[center][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/134/2/7/Grayscale_Rainbow_Eyes_by_Zayix.jpg[/img][/center] [i]“Anomalous. Old Definition: irregular, deviating from the norm or from what people expect. New Definition: a person with special abilities; someone further along in the evolutionary chain. “We, the members of the Council, have created a safe zone, a.k.a. Markson, surrounded by two layers of walls to protect us from this dangerous new species. Any Anomalous inside the city will be expelled to the Outlands to live away from us, the Normals. Considering that these Anomalous are a danger to the population and an overuse of space and room, we have created Guards, who go out into the Outlands and demolish the Anomalous population. They need to be eradicated to where the Anomalous gene completely disappears. “Guards are highly trained individuals, youngest being at the age of seventeen, that are sent out into the Outlands to hunt down any Anomalous and eradicate them. The Guards are trained in schooling, being the top choices, each picked individually by Council Officers. It will not matter where these children come from. “Each of these children will be chosen every year, no more, no less in one year and it does not matter of their age. There will be one student chosen from each level of class, of which there are four. They must be top marked in Physical Education, Anomalous History, Normal History, and Weaponry. The students with the highest marks from each of the five separate Grids in Markson: four from Slight, the west most Grid, four from Principle, the east Grid, four from Till, the southern Grid, four from Luminosity, the northern grid, and finally four from right here in Focal, the center Grid. They will all be sent to the Guard Training Center in Focal and they will train for exactly one year and a day. They will train in Weaponry, Defense, Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Anomalous recognition. “These students should be considered privileged and, even if they come from the lowest of lowly places, they are to be accepted.” -Preamble of the Declaration of Every Final Entitlement Now Shown Everywhere, or the D.E.F.E.N.S.E.[/i] [center]This is a gifted teen RP. You will be playing as a Recruit, a young teenager between the ages of 15 and 19, going to the Guard Training facility for the first time. Slowly, over time, a secret gift will develop, making you realize that you are one of the enemies. You are an Anomalous. You must work to conceal your gift or be shot on the spot by your friends and your leaders. This is also a competition RP. Recruits go through classes and they gain points in each class that go toward their overall score. The Recruits with the highest score at the end of the training will be able to choose what position they want to go into for being a full time Guard. But let's just focus on being Recruits right now shall we?[/center] [h3][u][color=teal]Rules[/color][/u][/h3][list] [*]No Mary Sues or Toms or Joes. This is in the future. Give me some creative names [*]Respect me and I'll respect you. Period. [*]No God Modding or OP characters [*]Because your powers will be developing, put a line through them in the character sheet. This also lets me know you read the rules. [*]There will only be four characters from each of the five Grids. As soon as a Grid is full, it will be taken off the board. [*]You can make your own weapons, but I have the final say on whether it is appropriate or not. [*]You need to have good grammar and spelling. Capitals at the beginning of each sentence, period at the end. Come on, we all went to first grade. [*]Post CS's in the OOC for me to approve and then move it to the Character Section once I have approved it [*]Have fun with it! [/list] [center][h3][color=pink]Character Sheet![/color][/h3]Appearance: (Real Pictures) Name: Gender: Age: Grid: Secret Gift: Weapon of Choice: Gear: Bio: (Short Paragraph) Habits (Optional): Theme Song (Optional): Other: [/center] [color=green][i]Characters from Each Grid[/i][/color] [sub]Available Spots in Parentheses[/sub] [color=lightblue]Focal(1):[/color] Paige Michaelson ~ [@tabbycat] Nyaleena Vega ~ [@Imaginary] Chess Full ~ [@kagethekiller] [color=yellow]Luminosity(0):[/color] Citrine Parsons ~ [@ScarlettWaters16] Colt Winger ~ [@ScarlettWaters16] Dyana Dolaso ~ [@AgentFallenSoul] Sarah Morningstar ~ [@MatParker1711] [color=brown]Till(1):[/color] Seril Flint ~ [@kagethekiller] Logan Steele ~ [@Avanhelsing] Mason Foster ~ [@SheriffLlama] [color=coral]Principle(1):[/color] Estella Zaneux ~ [@karamonnom] Lilith Archer ~ [@CallaLily] Zeph Nolluxian ~ [@Satsuki] [color=red]Slight(0):[/color] Alda Bayne ~ [@CLIW] Lincoln Fristen ~ [@_Middle_] Tarvas Meldon ~ [@ArenaSnow] Derric Adams ~ [@Puffhead] [h3][b]Info About...[/b][/h3] [hider=Focal]The center Grid. Mostly consists of Council Members families and upper class people. This is also where the Guard Training Facility is located. It is in the center of the five grids, so a chopper must be taken from the Guard Facility to the Outlands in order for Guards to go on their Tours. Most Guards from here end up becoming head officers at the training facility. Most people from here are confident, cocky, and not very friendly.[/hider] [hider=Luminosity]The northernmost grid. It is the closest to the Outlands on the seaward side. This is the poorest of the Grids, but there are still a few wealthy people living here. People from here tend to be more humble and, since they don't have the distraction of money, they tend to make better Guards. Most homeless people or people who cannot be supported by family members anymore live here. The breeding ground for most Anomalous appearances.[/hider] [hider=Till]Southernmost Grid. Mostly consists of farmers and agricultural people. The main source of the safe zone's food, water, and medicine. Everything is grown here and most hunting is done down here. The largest of all five zones, some Anomalous sneak under the wall to get into this Grid just to get at the food. More Guards are posted on the inside portion of the wall at this Grid than any other.[/hider] [hider=Slight]Western Grid. Slight is isolated more from the rest of the Grids because of the river that flows on its border. People from here are not as open as you might like. This Grid mostly consists of dense forests, which is where most of the lumber comes from. One of the more mysterious Grids.[/hider] [hider=Principle]The Easternmost Grid. This is a rich persons paradise. Near a lavish small lake that borders them and the people from Luminosity, the people from Principle are considered snooty, haughty, and downright spiteful. They tend to not be the nicest people in the world. This is where most actresses or actors are born, along with singers and other famous people. They don't make the greatest Guards, though the entrance to the Outlands is on their portion of the wall. [/hider] [hider=The Outlands]The Outlands are any territory surrounding the outside of the wall. Any banished Anomalous from the inside of the wall go out here and begin creating colonies. They feed themselves out here. To the east, it consists mostly of forests. To the north, there is a sea and to the south there is a desert. To the west there is nothing but mountains for miles. Most of the Anomalous tend to stay in the forest area. There are weak spots in the Wall that surrounds the city, so it is easy to get in from the Outlands... and out.[/hider] [hider=Guard Facility a.k.a. "The Castle"]The Guard Facility, or the Castle as you will most likely be referring to it, is an over fifty story high facility. The veteran Guards stay on the first couple ground floors while the Recruits train and live on the upper floors. The cafeteria for Recruits are between where the Recruits begin and the Guards' floors end. For this RP, we will mostly be staying in the upper floors unless it is necessary to go through those other floors to get to the Outlands. Each time a veteran Guard leaves, the leaders of the Guards choose a younger Guard to take his room on the lower floor. It is good if you get a room on the lower floor.[/hider] [hider=The Council]The Council is the main government of the city. You do what the Council says and you live. Period.[/hider] [hider= Teachers for Recruits] [sub]Remember, none of the teachers are Anomalous. Also, they are NPCs to be controlled by ME only[/sub] [color=blue][h3]Sky Carlson[/h3][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/14/b2/5b/14b25bc64343865a14b61dd5e457dfd1.jpg[/img] Originally from: Focal Teaches: Weaponry and Defense Other Jobs: One of the Leading Guards [color=forestgreen][h3]Nau Trent[/h3][/color] [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/a8c7f16971b0d81dc8b4ca5aff19d5371247285532_full.jpg[/img] Originally From: Till Teaches: Council History Other Jobs: Head Teacher, Leader of the Facility, A Council Member [color=burlywood][h3]Tri Crater[/h3][/color] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6hkm2ptMR1qg4cyeo1_500.jpg[/img] Originally From: Principle Teaches: Anomalous Classification and Identification Other Jobs: Score Keeper, Nau's Co-Leader [color=hotpink][h3]Kym Carspring[/h3][/color] [img]http://www.hdtabletwallpaper.com/var/albums/Korean%20girl%20group%20Glam%20tablet%20wallpapers%201024x1024/Korean%20girl%20group%20Glam%20tablet%20wallpapers%201024x1024%20(15).jpg?m=1353585461[/img] Originally From: Slight Teachers: Anomalous History Other Jobs: None [/hider] [hider=Guard/Recruit Outfits][hider=Shorts][img]http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/32262429662_3/2015-Baleaf-Women-s-Knee-Length-Fitness-Running-Shorts-Black-Compression-Tight-GYM-Training-Yoga-Exercise.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Shirt][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a1/32/b4/a132b4d7a978f05998c400a5fcdec507.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Hood and Mask][img]https://slm-assets1.secondlife.com/assets/7756275/lightbox/mesh_hood_with_a_mask_-_mainposter_v2.jpg?1369015972[/img] Hood is navy blue as well though.[/hider][/hider] [color=Orange][h1]Final Roommate List[/h1][/color][sub]As created by [@kagethekiller][/sub] TBR & Logan Seril & Nya Linc & Paige Dyana & Colt Alda & Estella Citrine & Sarah Derric & Tarvas Mason & Chess Zeph & Lilith (by default) [h2][color=purple]Scores Listing[/color][/h2] [u]Dyana[/u]- 20 [u]Colt[/u]- 15 [u]Mason[/u]-14 [u]Citrine[/u]- 13 [[u]Paige[/u]- 12 [u]Nya[/u]-11 [u]Chess[/u]-10 [u]Derric[/u]-9 [u]Estella[/u]-8 [u]Linc[/u]-6 [u]Tarvas[/u]-5 [u]Seril[/u]-4 [u]Lilith[/u]-3 [u]Alda[/u]-2 [u]Sarah-[/u]1 [u]Zeph-[/u]0 [u]Logan-[/u]0 [b]Head up to the chat bar and join us in the chat! Just type /join #GaG to get in![/b]