Appearance: [img][/img] Name: Alda Bayne Gender: Female Age: 17 Grid: Slight Secret Gift: [s]Astral projection; can induce a trance in her physical body and create a "ghost" of herself that can pass through physical objects but also effect the physical world in limited ways, which include small flashes of light, knocking over or moving small/light objects, and creating small clouds of thin mist. She can do this at will, but because her control of this is limited, a big enough fright will cause her to enter a projection, which would appear in real life as fainting. Projecting leaves her 'real' body extremely vulnerable.[/s] Weapon of Choice: An axe! Gear: Medical gear, a bag of trail mix and a strong magnifying glass. Bio: She discovered her power about a year ago during a powerful windstorm while she was taking a stroll through the forests of Slight. She was near the edge of the woods, where the wind picked up so much strength that it felled a tree, which narrowly pinned Alda by her lower leg when it fell (and broke the leg). The horror of the situation forced her into a projection; she thought she was dead because she could see her own body laying still on the ground but eventually managed to will herself back into her physical body. The discovery caused her to grow apart from her family, and she became somewhat reclusive while she was recovering from the accident. Habits: Walks with a limp. When she is stressed, she closes her eyes and becomes unresponsive. Theme Song (Optional): Other: