"...we're already in Hell, though," is what I would have said if I had not abruptly been distracted by the spectacle of a shark flying through the air and slamming into oh God its her again. I take a few steps away from the shark, because fuck if I'm going to let something as random as that kill me. Again. ...sheeee bit it. She bit the shark. She [i]bit[/i] the [i]shark.[/i] What the fuck. And then it turns back into a card again, which she summarily [i]pushes down her throat and swallows.[/i] Unfolded, as far as I can see. I... don't even know. Let's just pretend I'm not here, turn back around, return to Bitch-Ass Bitch's conversation like nothing ever happened... 'We're already in 'ell, love. I don't know if you noticed that. I mean, you'd 'ave to be a bit of a bint not to, an' I'm sure yer not that, are ya?'