[hider=Christina] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [hider=Picture is big][img]http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Michelle-Rodriguez-Resident-Evil-1.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Christina Ibanez [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 33 [u][b]Gender [/b][/u] Female [u][b]Call Sign[/b][/u] Roughneck (though people call her Roughie for short) [u][b]Personnel Description[/b][/u] Christina regularly doles out what she calls 'tough love' mainly because it's what she does. Fiercely protective of her teammates, comrades and friends, Roughie regularly does stuff others would consider uncouth for a lady of her occupation; butting into rooms to check on people unannounced, doing random, unscheduled checkups on her teammates that sorta thing. She's gruff, tough, cynical and sarcastic, but that doesn't mean she hides her heart of gold; she genuinely cares about her teammates, so much so that she'd go to any length to protect them. Amongst her friends and peers she is not the rough-and-tumble soldier she normally is in a battle, rather, she's a sweet, charming and friendly young woman who loves to have fun and talk shop. Her favorite things to do if not on duty are to enjoy ice cream and go out with her friends. In battle, she is a headstrong medic, oft times taking charge of situations if there isn't anyone to do so. Her attitude also leads to recklessness however, and combined with her protective nature it makes her quite a dangerous soldier to be around, as she will often charge straight through fire to try and save you without questioning her own safety, which often leads to her also suffering an injury or two in the process. [u][b]Backstory[/b][/u] Being a combat medic is never fun; it's one of the toughest responsibilities in being in the military, yet someone has to do it, right? Ever since Christina enlisted into the army, that's what she thought to herself, and still does to this very day, long after most of her unit perished during the initial waves of infection and death. She never even knew how they'd been infected, one day she'd received a notice on her phone, a list, stating the names and tag numbers of every soldier in her company that had died due to the infection. The battalion wasn't going to hold a funeral; there were too many dead. Instead, a remembrance service was to be held across the country, in San Francisco, where she'd been born, coincidentally. By then, New York was in lockdown, so she was unable to attend, much to her disappointment. Born to a wholly Spanish family in San Fran, Christina made the decision to move to New York early on in life, after she graduated from high school. In the Big Apple, she enrolled herself in medical school and emerged three years later as a registered nurse, but the slow, often monotonous life bored her. So she did what came to her naturally and did the next best thing: she enlisted. She spent the requisite ten weeks in BCT at Fort Jackson in Georgia, following which she was sent to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas to undergo the four month EMT course that came after. Once done with that, she was attached to the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/69th_Infantry_Regiment_(New_York)]69th Infantry Regiment[/url] in New York City, where she spent the rest of her military days up to the outbreak. She even participated in Operation Enduring Freedom in 2008, a harrowing experience that tested her abilities straight to the max. She never did treat any of the four casualties of her regiment during the mission, but news filtered down the grapevine about them, and even she knew how stressing it was to be a medical soldier out in a real battlefield. After the outbreak, the 69th did what they could to suppress the riots within their home city of the Big Apple, but soon their efforts were quashed more and more as their soldiers fell to rioters and the infection that spread like wildfire through the city. She watched friends of hers die on beds in overcrowded hospitals, and swore that day not to let any more of her comrades die in vain. Her unwavering dedication to the protection of her fellow women and men led The Division to her; they needed a medic as loyal and dedicated as she was, and thus she was introduced into the squad. [u][b]Role[/b][/u] Combat Medic/Support [u][b]Inventory[/b][/u] [u]Given Items[/u][list] [*]Contact Lens [*]Go-Bag [*]Respirator [*]Smart Watch [*]Signal Flare [*]Computer [/list] [u]Personal Inventory[/u][list] [*]1 x pneumatic tourniquet [*]1 x field first aid kit [*]1 x field respirator [*]3 x morphine injection pens [*]1 x SAM (or flexible) splint [*]2 x rolls of crepe bandages [*]1 x oropharyngeal airway [/list] [u][b]Weapons[/b][/u] [u]Primary[/u] Her main weapon is the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_SCAR]FN SCAR-H Mk 17 LB[/url] battle rifle. Chambered in powerful 7.62mm rounds, this high powered rifle best suits Christina in fights where she needs to get somewhere fast. [u]Secondary[/u] Her sidearm is the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_Sauer_P226]SIG Sauer P226 9mm pistol[/url]. One of the most common pistols in the world, it's standard issue to police in most parts of the US. [u]Melee[/u] Her melee weapon is the rather simple [url=http://www.kabar.com/images/products/knives/1211Detail.png]Ka-bar boot knife[/url]. It's sharp and pointy and is designed to be poked into aggressors. [u][b]Talents[/b][/u][list] [*]First Aid - Her nursing background, combined with the four months she spent in Fort Sam Houston as part of her EMT training, has imbued her with all the medical knowledge and know-how she needs to handle herself in any situation that requires medical attention. [*]Basic Pharmacology - While not as experienced as your average doctor or dispensary aide, Christina is knowledgeable enough on the spectrum of common drugs available to nurses, and some of the less common ones too. [*]Basic Surgery - With her nursing background comes experience in handling surgical equipment, not as good as a proper trained surgeon, but give her a blade to cut open a wound to remove a bullet while under fire, and she will do it without hesitating. Such is the extent of her abilities. [*]Veteran CQC - Christina took to unarmed combat like a fish to water, and this combined with her extensive knowledge of the human body gave her a few feet up against her peers in the combat course, for she knows exactly where and how to strike a person to make them go down instantly, or to knock them out like a light, or any other condition she wants them in.[/list] [/hider]