Before Austin could reply with a remark as he saw the A-37's turned into heaps of scrap metal, and their pilots subsequently turned into a bloody pulp which could pass for pizza sauce, the lock-on warning started up- causing him to curse under his breath. "NOW they join the party!" He said, banking his fighter left as it deployed counter-measures,his heart starting to race fast as he maneuvered for all he-and his plane- were worth. The locked-on warning was always frightening to hear because as the tone became louder and louder the father of two would see his life flash before his eyes. Luckily, the missile had a bad case of ADHD and decided to go after the flares- making Austin let out a soft sigh as the tone died off. "Sweet Mother Theresa....on the hood of a Benz, that was close!" Austin said softly, bringing his Eagle into a slow turn, the mercenary glancing around as he breathed deeply. It took him a while, but soon he spotted the coal-black fighters, Making him chuckle some as he saw the Dassault. "Seriously? A French Fighter almost claimed my life!?" He asked over the comms, his finger tapping softly as he saw the Delta-wing fighter chasing after Marciano. [quote]"Short Round, Spirit. Go turn that Airstrip back into a jungle clearing. Break. Viking, this is Heartbreak; go give Charnel a hand with his new fan, I've got Stalin's tail, over"[/quote] "Viking Copies!" Austin responded in an instant, bringing his Jet into a high-G turn as he got himself oriented on the Coal-black fighter, his eyes focusing on it's shape as he readied the next AMRAAM "Charnel, don't get killed JUST yet!". -- Marciano almost audibly growled as he banked left then right, diving slightly and generally tried to shake the bandit on his 6. "Aye, I'm working on that!" Hot led spat from the Rafale, barely missing the Tornado, sending the Tornado's pilot into another long strong of curses. Pouring on the speed Marciano kept weaving, keying his radio "If this keeps up I might have to go mach." -- "Well, then, Go mach!" Viking quickly replied as he joined the midair congo line, his vision narrowing as he attempted to lock onto the Rafale. Surprisingly, the pilot of the Tornado was doing pretty good at not having a missile stuck up his ass. "Viking, Fox three!" The pilot of the Eagle called as he sent his other AMRAAM towards the Delta-wing fighter, slowing down his speed as he watched the expensive piece of military hardware go flying after it. "Charnel, Break off if you can. If he somehow survives I won't want to hit you with the cannon!". So far, it was adding up to a very nice day