[h2]Gloria - Specter[/h2] Gloria listened to the fight unfold over Hopper's comm, getting only the audio of the battle limited her knowledge of what was going on but Gloria got the general gist of it. That gist was that they were royally screwed. Now she knew how Revel must have felt when she interrupted his attempt at diplomacy with her brutal attack. The only difference was she hadn't realized he was talking to the Immortal at the time, Evil Eyes on the other hand just didn't care. The sound of bone cracking was so loud that Gloria could hear it echo down into the Reactor Core without the earpiece. The next plan of attack after this seemed to consist of both Hopper and Crosscut, she couldn't be sure, it wasn't like they were describing what they were doing but by the sound of it Hopper was kicking the Immortal around almost simultaneously. No doubt Crosscut was getting him in close then removing him from the Immortal's range. Gloria's heart almost stopped when she heard the sound of metal being twisted and Hopper gasping in both pain and defeat. His legs must have been damaged somehow. Hopper, fully functional was necessary for the plan. As much as Gloria had come to hate the guy in the ten minutes since she met him Revel was right, Gloria didn't have the strength to push someone as charged as the Immortal through all of containment barriers in the reactor core, they were too dense and the Immortal to strong. She needed more external force which was supposed to come from Hopper. Now however that was not an option. "Revel, we have a problem, Hopper's down for the count. He tried some sort of risky maneuver on the Immortal and the big guy fried his legs. Who else do we have that has enough strength to force the Immortal through the barriers and into the core." Gloria quickly went through a mental checklist. She'd not gotten to know barely any of her teammates by name but based on there performance today she had a pretty good idea what they were capable of. McWiz's golems did little more then annoy the Immortal, Michelle was powerless, Freyja was temporarily dead, Crosscut was a teleporter; useful but not for this, Pirate Queen was as useless as Michelle, Hopper and Evil Eyes were down. That left Chimera and Elementalist. Gloria didn't know that much about the Elementalist past seeing him cause concrete to grow around the Immortal. "Do Chimera or the Elementalist fit the profile enough for the kind of force we need to make this work?" she asked. Gloria hated Revel, she truly did but no one could deny that he was decently intelligent and while later Gloria would happily kick his ass, they needed to work together for the moment.