Were she not being herded around Edith would be pondering the cryptic message that she saw. But that would have to wait. Just from the looks of the place it was a newer facility from the one she was at before. It was quite a bit more fortified though, had the appearance of a Bunker. Given the limited amount of space in the dome it wouldn't be unusual to put something like this underground. Going down was the best use of realestate. Entering the medical room she quickly noted the two there. The nurse's expression was hard to read alone. Clearly she didn't want to be there but alone there was no way to tell why. The one in the coat wasn't much help either. His expression was unsettlingly devoid of, well, anything. He had various gadgets with him though so for the time being this didn't look like an operation or anything. Perhaps her imagination was running away on her but she was still on edge from having mysteriously become younger. It could have something to do with her power but try as she might time refused to go anywhere but forward. Honestly the equipment told more than the figures present. The cramped space and not completely organized arrangement spoke to the haste used to set this up. They were probably brought in from outside to perform medical tasks the VIs were not designed to do. What kind of mess was she in now? Life in prison wasn't enough for fate? Directed to take a seat she stepped up and did so. By now she had put on an expression of fear and uncertianty. Everything started with a simple question though, her name. While she could easilly answer that she couldn't know why they wanted to know. Perhaps she could use her revitalized appearance to pass as someone else. Drawing on a previous alias she answered nerviously. "[color=khaki]My name is Fiona Tarnett.[/color]" Glancing at the things around them again she tried to get a better idea of what might happen.