[@pteroform][@Giant] In actual fact, I'm very much supportive of your characters having these contacts. They're wonderful details and are realistic if they're native to the city, for example. There's simply no way a cop would have zero acquaintances or informants after several years in the city. Of course, it may often be that these contacts won't turn up any information in a case as they might not be relevant but it just adds to the flavour. When you come to writing your own cases I will be supportive of you using contacts to produce evidence or direction and, if you wished it, I would also accept others making use of character contacts for plot points. All these details will help embellish the cases we invent and will make a far more enjoyable experience for everyone. It will also go a long way to demonstrating any differences between those who have been in the city for a while and those who are new (such as Rhiannon) and might make for some interesting character development. I want this to be a RP where we-re all co-writers/co-GMs. I'm simply organising it, each one of us will be responsible for planning individual cases for the group to play through and I'd love to have as much involvement and creativity as possible from all of you. Oh, and welcome to the Guild!