Upon hearing Pharazon's answer to Corina, Arienne finally frowned. At the mention of strike craft, she remembered her original misgivings about joining this project in the first place. 'I'm going to be piloting a fancy plane' she thought to herself. That just didn't feel right. Her training and skill set are in close quarters and hand to hand combat. Sure she can aim a pistol really well, but she wanted something more... personal, more intimate. With a sigh, she pushed her doubts away. Might as well give final judgement after she had seen these 'cogs'. She had other things to worry about right now. In Arienne's eyes, Chie Alberton was an adorable girl. She liked children with attitude and thought the little bit she'd seen of Chie's was endearing. But Arienne had never had to work with such an attitude on a professional level. And even then, why was a child part of a military project? Arienne loathed the thought of a child getting put into dangerous situations, but this was assuaged by 2 things: [List] [*]They were gonna be test pilots, so shouldn't see actual combat (this fact also annoyed Arienne). Chie, for the most part, should be safe. [*]Chie must have gone through the tests so she must be qualified for the job. She probably had the skills and aptitude needed so that the Horizon government would be even willing to recruit a young child in the first place. On this point, Arienne didn't know whether to be impressed or disturbed.[/list] Having sat down in the row in front of Chie, she turned around with a small but sincere smile on her face, piercingly searching blue eyes, and asked Chie in a quiet voice, "Ms. Chie Alberton, if you'd be so kind as to answer this question. I wanted to know, are you here by your own choice or are you in any way being forced into this?"