Chie narrowed her eyes at her 'commanding officer'. Folding her arms across her chest, she let out a huff and turned away, shutting her eyes as she did. Bending down like that... she was a pilot, so didn't she deserve to be treated just like all the others? She didn't need someone acting all... all... patronizing like that! She was irritable the whole way onto the shuttle. She sat with her arms still folded across her chest, looking firmly to the side and away from all her fellow team members... at least until one of them spoke to her. And [i]she[/i] was talking to her normally! Hah! ... Even if the question was kind of weird. Still, given the chance to talk about how she was here, the blonde little girl couldn't help but give a cheerful and incredibly smug smile in response to the question that had been asked of her. "[i]Of course[/i] I'm here of my own choice!" she said, unfolding her arms to place her palms on either side of her hips where she sat, kicking her feet slightly. "Do you think I'd have to be forced to do something like this?" Her smile shifted, becoming a rather sarcastic expression as she cast a sideways glance at the other team members. "Maybe [i]they're[/i] dumb enough to think that..."