Name: Amphion, The Metal Father Age: 2000 by gift of the Warp, 800 by the armor chronomitor. Appearance:[img][/img] Beneath the armor, his skin is ashen and cracked, his eyes orange, hairless and sporting a forest of needle-like teeth behind a lipless mouth. Occasionally a forked tongue will taste the air. Marine Type: Sorcerer Devotion: Undivided Biography: There is not too much to be said about the abomination named Amphion. Once a Librarian of the Iron Snakes, his fall to the Ruinous Powers came after the purge of Telos 3, where a warband of the Word Bearers had left behind several artifacts in their deaths. The pages of one time opened Amphion's eyes to the lies of the Imperium, and from there he set out to seek the favor of the Chaos Gods. He took many a pilgrimage, manipulating the oppressed men and mutants of the Imperium into uncovering arcane secrets for their Metal Father, furthering his unholy knowledge. Eventually, he made his way to the Night Lords, but now he is disgusted with their lack of pioty. Now new whispers call to him, and he has answered... Personality: He's...a sorcerer. You know these guys. More loyal than most, though. Personal Skills: An accomplished psyker with extensive knowledge of the arcane. Also adept at manipulation, especially of the mutant outcasts of Hive Worlds. Gear: Plasma Pistol, Sorcerer's staff, Mark VII Power Armor, Chaos Tome. Hope this is cool.