[hider=Pyotr] [centre] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/605/6d678a851ca792d41d0673a449ed57715705f8aa.jpg?610363[/img] [b]RL Name[/b] Todoroki Akiko [b]IG Name[/b] Pyotr [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Equipment[/b] Pyotr wears a mix of leather medium armour with heavy armour pauldrons, bracers and greaves in plate. [img]http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/AH-3296.png[/img] She wields an elegant but fairly small sabre with a sheath at her waist, modelled after a Cossack's shashka. [b]Skills[/b][/centre] [u]Profession and Related Skills[/u] N/A [u]Non-Combat Skills[/u] - Fishing - Skinning - Cooking - Sales Negotiation (To be learnt) - Armour Appraisal (To be learnt) [u]Combat skills[/u] - Parry - One-handed Curved Swords - Medium Armour Proficiency - Heavy Armour Proficiency [u]Sword Skills[/u] - Arc (Single curving strike, 1-hit, Can be used to extend a 2 or 3 hit combo attack by 1 extra attack, Post-attack slowdown and cooldown time are increased after boosting a combo) - Hilt (2-hit strike, first with the hilt and then with the body of the blade) - Ura (1-hit charge attack with a moderate chance to knock target down) [b]Stats[/b] Level - 2 Health - 425 Strength - 5 Agility - 8 [centre][b]Bio[/b] The adults of the Todoroki family both worked in shipping, mainly between Sapporo and Vladivostok, taking the family to various countries for business trips. Their oldest daughter Akiko, already something of an internet addict, eventually became obsessed with Russian pop culture and history after one too many trips to Moscow. Taking up the pseudonym 9rota, or Pyotr online, she quickly made a name for herself on Russian chatboards and MMO servers as a hardcore russophile, eventually picking up the language through local TV and midnight Skype chats. Her entry into Sword Art Online was nothing special, bar that she took the decision to create for herself male avatar, tall, proud and sporting the most exaggerated [url=http://www.sovietposters.com/posters/sovpolpost_00106.jpg]Soviet[/url] features she could get her mitts on. In real life she is rather less striking, with a short and rather plump form that evokes a relaxed air and casual personality. [b]Personality[/b] Akiko tends to be upbeat in a half-hearted way, preferring to cheer others and provide support rather than get stuck in herself. This philosophy applies to her social life as much as combat, as she tends to drift to the edge of the social group. That said, once she is comfortable in someone's presence, Akiko will comes out of herself to be both more useful and talkative. Regardless of how well she knows someone, they will likely be on the receiving end of her sarcasm and occasional perverse joke. [/centre] [/hider] Fin.