While Yuudai recommended going to Uta, the old Tengu Metou insisted on going to Ru. Jiang agreed to the latter while the others, including Kenji, left it to them to decide and so with two votes on Ru and only one on Uta, the group was to head to the independent village of Ru. The half-Oni let her blade drop to the ground and crossed her arms, grumbling about why they should have headed to Uta but eventually resigning to the group's, or rather Metou and Jiang's, decision while munching on a snack. Kenji let out a light chuckle. "[color=a36209]Well not everyone gets their way all the time, Miss Wakahisa.[/color]" He said to Yuudai. With the party heading out, Takumi explained that there were two routes that they could take. One was the main road while the other was through a forest that would be faster. He then asked a most surprising but not peculiar question, if the group had been in a battle before and if they had already killed anyone. Jiang was first to answer and seemed to be quite confident in his fighting skills. "[color=a36209]I admit I have not killed anyone nor had I been in any fight to the death.[/color]" Kenji went with the truth though his training with Shinja seemed very life-threatening. "[color=a36209]But I have witnessed death. Many times.[/color]" Being a close survivor of the Oja clan's last stand, Kenji was no stranger to the horrors of war and battle.