PEACH Please examine and critique honestly [hider=Tieflings] So, I had an idea for tieflings and I wanted our opinion on them, I'm not trying to take over, this is just the storyline i've always used since 4e D&D and I wanted to see if it was not too terrible. One hundred years ago, there was a small country that was little more than a princedom on the coast of a fallen kingdom. The powers that feel the king (Orcs/goblinkind) had worked their way to the ocean, those that could flee did so to the castle until it was besieged by a sea of war. They did their best to fight back the tide, but one y one the rings of the city fell until it seemed like all hope was lost. Finally the prince called out for somebody[i]anybody[/i] to save them... And the call was answered. "I'll give you the power to protect yourself and those you serve. So long as you and all of your family serve me until the end of your bloodline." The prince agreed without seeking wiser minds, not knowing the proviso that all who swear fealty to the crown are considered family. Suddenly, the entire city erupted into flame as every drop of citizen blood in the streets caught like dragonfire to burn away the invaders and frighten the rest into scattering. When the flames died down, the people were changed, marked forever by the allegiance to the king. many cursed the king and renounced their fidelity, they burned alive again as the gift was revoked. Lore and knowledge became myth and legend of the king who could strike a man dead across the world. Over time, they came to understand their powers and where it came from, some were immune to fire, others could see into the darkest of night clear as day. THose that could cast magic found contact with the planes below easier while the higher planes were barred to them. Some gafe into the dark patronage and became clerics to the devils or warlocks to bind their souls for more power. Where others tried to live simple lives with cloven feet and forked tongues. Thirty years ago, that all changed. After the ripple, Tieflings found their power not so much drained as refined. Tieflings may only cast magics of fire without hindrance, but still only at the power levels before the event. This makes them only seem powerful as compared to others but in truth their 'boost' is only 'no loss' to fire magic. They may only summon creatures of infernal characteristic, regardless of their own beliefs. Any warlock pacts are only to their prince's demon, the same for any (un)holy divine magic or none at all. All tieflings care some manner of traits unable to be disguised, as different as combination of hair and eye colors there seem to bee dominant and recessive traits of features. There have even ben talks regarding crossbreeding that the tiefling traits are magically always dominant to ensure the bloodlines live on. [/hider]