(I'm hoping this is still accepting! I didn't see anything saying it wasn't so here we are!) Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/sxQNGdk.jpg[/img] Name: Derric Athens Gender: Male Age: 17 Grid: Slight Secret Gift: [s]Sixth sense. While typically this means Derric can predict danger before it happens, his odd gift allows him to sense more than just immediate danger to himself. He can also sense (on occasion) people's emotions, nearby presences, and on rare occasions even death before it occurs. This sense is just like any other of the five senses however, and can be tricked or can even outright fail him at times. This sense also allows him to pick up on others skills, so for example if someone knows how to track or hunt someone, his sense allows him to imitate this ability and be able to hunt as well. [/s] Weapon of Choice: Derric tends to stay old fashioned with his weaponry, claiming that it makes things easier to focus. He has a composite bow and a quiver of arrows which he keeps on him at all times, along with a set of simple hunting knives. [img]http://i.imgur.com/bY0B3wR.jpg[/img] Gear: His bow and quiver arrows, along with a pack at his side which holds a small amount of medicinal herbs, several different types of detachable arrow heads, and various snacks he always seems to keep with him. Bio: Derric learned of his gift unlike most, as he seemed to be aware of it from the day he learned to walk. He never understood how others didn't know things like he did, and it honestly confused him when he watched people step into danger he could clearly sense coming. Couldn't they sense it to? Slowly, as his mind matured he began to realize that he was the only one who could sense these things, and began to understand that he was special. When it became time to become a guard, he realized he could use these abilities to propel him, giving him an uncanny sense for danger while also allowing him to be able to easily detect and hit targets with his simple bow. Habits (Optional): Derric, unlike most in his sector, tends to be a little bit more friendly then others. For reasons he doesn't quite understand, he feels he almost always has to help those who ask it of him, most likely because the emotion of gratitude he feels from them is one of the better feelings he ever detects with his ability. Theme Song (Optional): Just the music that goes on in his head Other: