[b]"Any companions of yours who prove useless in life will be useful to me in death."[/b] "You'll need to get their permission to use their bodies like that, or you'll be breaking the law. In fact, you'll need to make sure you come by all of your supplies legally or people will consider you a thief. Monsters and people that attack you are fine though, assuming they were breaking the law by attacking you. They forfeited their body when..." Before she could finish her explanation, a cry of "Bandits" came from the camp, the voice sounding like Mr. Lisie's. She ran over to where the old man and his wife were hiding behind a rock, the area lit by a dropped torch. "I don't get it," said the old man. "They haven't attacked us in years, since we agreed to let them cross and hunt on the land in the area. I saw one just before sunset by the beach, but I thought he was hunting seal like they do from time to time. Maybe they're here because of the group?" Siana looked at his leg and saw that he was bleeding. "Stay still, and I'll heal you," she said, "you can't fight with a whole in your leg." His wife put her greatsword away and armed her crossbow. "I'll keep them off of you" she said, then fired at one of the attackers.