Acantha slowly sat up and stretched the sleep from her body then looked around the crypt she called her quarters. Hovering nearby the ghost of her mother was chatting with the castle Poltergeist Peeves who noticed the pale form of the Ghoul studies prof and started laughing. "It awakens and this night seeks the blood of innocents" Peeves giggled as he circled her till Acantha's mother gave him a stern look. "You know you're not as fun as your daughter" giggled the annoying little man. Acantha laughed as she set her feet on the stones of her room. [B]"Good morning Peeves, good morning mother"[/B] she said to the two intruders in her room. Peeves drifted over and blew her gown up trying to once more shock Acantha only to experience disappointment when she simply walked across the room to her wardrobe. She knew that to react to his tricks she would only cause him to seek her out as a regular target and she'd be forced to offend him with several secret spells used to deal with his kind and she'd lose his participation in her classes. She laughed softly and reached out an touched the odd little man and though she'd done this before he still acted surprised that she could make contact. He shyly backed away then spun out of existence headed off to find a less vexing target. Once Acantha was dressed she vanished from the crypt and reappeared near the dinning hall and entered. The students were already present and beginning to tuck into the food presented by the elves for their consumption. She smiled serenely as she drifted a few inches off the floor and looked over the table containing her fellow professors. Elisa Albright the potions professor looked over at her and shook her head in disapproval at her late colleague. It was the evening meal and already the newest students had been sorted and sat with their houses and some of the other instructors thought it inappropriate that she appear at whatever time she wished. The Headmaster smirked in her direction enjoying how she floated like a ghost to her seat. When Acantha had first met Hadrian Longinus Blevins some thought he would release her from service. He had instead almost instantly embraced her even going so far as to insist that during the school holiday that she instruct him in her subject. He'd proven a very knowledgeable wizard though like many that did not focus on her field still lacking the refinement necessary to understand the secrets beyond the veil. Once seated Acantha began searching the students for those that would be joining her in her class. She didn't eat only sipping from her own silver goblet her port staining her lips crimson briefly. The first she spotted was Ruthanne Weaver-Jones a young Hufflepuff witch with wild red hair. [@XxFellsingxX] She was a curious girl and at so young an age a questionable student for Acantha's course with over half her age usually opting out for a second year but only time would tell. The next was Estelle Marie Forrester another Hufflepuff witch but also cursed with the gift of being a Medium; she was a girl who desperately needed Acantha's course but was still not immune to the loss of interest or quitting out of fear. [@XxLyraxX] Anthony Seamus O'Hamerson another Puff and her most recognizable student due to the fact that he was a half giant. [@Saarebas] He would prove an interesting adition.