Alex had been still on his knees on the snow. Like this for what seemed like years. Trying to convince himself it was a dream. A terrible dream. But it was as real as he feared it was. His hands covering his eyes. Occasionally moving them to look at the pitch black floor and white sky. Nothing but a flat plain. No marks covering the black floor. Alex did not cry much. But he was truly terrified. He had lost whatever reality he had just been in that he was content with. Replaced by a perfect hell. The difference between dark and light incredibly visible. Immoral and moral clear. All of Alex's problems solved. anything he pondered useless and put to rest in this world. Any problem that existed was gone But why did he feel so sad? He began to weep. Black tears stained the gloves covering his face. He felt a slight jolt of the atmosphere. The specks of black covering the ground began to return to the sky while few remained. Things were reversing itself as Alex was too busy crying to notice. _________ The creature almost grinned it seemed. If it could grin. It put both hands on its sword. [i]"Stupid tradition but you would give me your name and I mine. We would bury one another and pray to the gods whoever the loser was would make it into paradise. I already know the outcome of this battle as you do. I am not scared to give you my name though, its Narcissus."[/i] He said before quickly swinging his sword horizontally at her body. Gritting his teeth.