"Hey kid! Get the hell off the roof that sort of behavior isn't tolerated around here! By order of Chief of The Disciplinary Comity Kotaro Hojo I demand that you cease that rambunctious attitude and get to class!" shouted a one star kid as he glared up at Kegata. "Have no you shame?! Is this has you represent your school!? I hope you're a no star because anything higher is too good for your punkass! If your going to be climbing join the hiking club!" demanded the one star as a group of kids with batons came following up behind him. Whatever the case was it seemed the Kiryuin family had a strong hold in the city despite the absence of the main house hold. The rest of the crew didn't bother with Kegata instead they were busy berating one of the no-stars who were also late. It seemed there was a lynching mob sort of mentality among the glorified hall monitors. === Very much annoyed and very much aggravated that Kegata would simply ditch them Aaron decided to leave the parkour artist to whatever fate may take him for leaving the group on day one in the middle of a slum. Unsure about where he went and what to expect from the sudden absence any luggage that Kegata left on the ground would be left for the woods unless one of the others had the generosity to clean up after their 'friend'. "I see well at least you're willing to listen Eika that's more than I can say for our missing friend. Regardless let's just drop our stuff off really quick-" Disney began to say as one of the One Stars walked up to him and looked him in the eye, "All transfer students are to have their luggage taken to the school where Mr. Kiryuin will have people drop it off at their houses by Disciplinary Comity members. We will do a quick scan of your bags in which we will make sure you are not carrying anything unsavory into our school. Unlike Lady Satsuki we like to make sure our students have their proper equipment on day one and we do not risk the lives of our no-stars without reason. Now get to school." commented the one star as he smacked a nearby pole with his baton and kept walking. [i]If they need to use force in the no-star districts like this that means there is a pretty big problem...or maybe it's just to show the new no stars that the big guy in charge means business.[/i] Disney thought to himself as he nodded and shoved his gear onto his back and sighed. "Well you heard our betters we need to get to school so hurry up Eika. Wait up Char we need to stick together for now." Disney commented with a false plain tone that expressed boredom as to not bring too much suspicion upon himself from the one-stars. The group passed through the slums following along the road with various other no-stars and a couple of the Disciplinarian's finest one stars as they walked towards the school. He looked up at the tower which seemed to challenge him. It was a long sleek building that rose above all others into the mountain. It seemed to demand attention and it dared anyone who looked at it to take on it's obstacles in order to reach the top of the mountain. It also inspired a sensation in him he didn't expect...awe. It was so pretty with it's chrome paint and very professional. He could understand others not liking the building's look as it was extremely corporate but he admired such things. It spoke that it took itself seriously and it demanded that you did too. Slackers were not tolerated, weaklings were not going to go far, and only the most skilled (or those who sucked up the most or cheated unfortunately) got as far as they did. The building also was built into a mountain side which shouted that it was sturdy and very strong it wouldn't go down easy. But in contrast to that...they were still in slums. They [i]were[/i] the lowest of the low. They'd need to work their way up be it in academics or in some sort of club. "I'm ready for you mountain and I'm going to scale you all the way to the top!" Disney said with quiet pride as he grinned slightly at the prospect only to be laughed at by a nearby no-star, "Oh yeah good luck with that kid. Trust me it ain't pretty." commented a girl with long dark hair next to him. "The day a no star reaches the top of that mountain into a three star uniform is the day I wear a pink dress and sing a song of how the world is beautiful and not dead inside." commented the girl further as she pointed out that the one stars could use buses instead of walking, the two stars could use tram cars, and the three stars could just get a limo driven right to the door step and take an elevator to the Kiryuin who ruled the school. Really the whole deal he just spoke about was a load of shit.