[quote=@Savo] Hopefully it doesn't cost her an arm or a leg... or even an eye for that matter... or her arms and legs... or a couple of fingers... or her Mareep... or... ... Yeah, I ran out of random crap to say about what could transpire and bring about destruction as it begins sewing wrath and chaos across any certain scars. Anyways, that's good to hear that they will just take a tidbit of your time and they aren't as harsh as Runes... Even though I have no friggin' clue on the difficulty of his quizzes and tests. Regardless, my finals are coming up in a couple of weeks, and hopefully they will be mere child's play do me... with the exception of physics AP ;.; Anyways, it makes me ponder on the possibilities of what you guys have planned for the group and the big bads horrid plans. Hopefully the team will develop to the point where they won't taste delicious despair and will find themselves in the ravishing hands of hope. It will be interesting seeing how you guys will develop them all. Hopefully the antagonists one be one sided and will cause a split in the group somehow... Call it a hunch, but I think it may happen maybe. Anyways, nicknames, nicknames... I can come up with a few at the moment. Bonnie and Tosatsu... one is pretty cliché while the other I don't think you'll get unless you've heard of Deep Sea Prisoner/Mogeko. [/quote] Sheesh, AP physics? I'm taking AP Bio next year because I hate every science EXCEPT for Bio. But I really like Bio. And, well... you'll see~! Also, googled (Princess) Tosatsu... dude, the character so strangely fitting that it's almost weird that I've never heard of her. Look at those bunny ears! Look at that knife! And we even have the same hairstyle... creepy. Except that she's not doing it for justice! [s]And I don't actually kill people.[/s] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/c9c52f748583484172f7724481728b86/tumblr_inline_n7vbfnoS1A1sxo0up.png[/img] [quote=@Vec] Exam week for me is from the 18th-29th of May so around that time, I doubt you will be hearing from me at all D>. I'm already stretching it by being here when I should be revising... I sure hope I do well cause I don't wanna repeat the year :( [/quote] I'm sure you're gonna do great, Vec~! Just do your best. I have faith in you! I mean, if Rune and Ogo can do it, anyone can, right? (Just kidding, just kidding, I love you guys~) [s]And if you want to waste even MORE time, you could even post![/s]