Finn sighed as the limo he was currently seated in approached the gleaming towers that housed the Guards. To say he was nervous was an understatement. While he had been eager to join the Guards, despite his powers, he was now terrified. What if someone found out? He'd probably be shot on the spot, or at best, sent to the Outlands. He chewed on his nails as his limo neared his future home. As the limo pulled to a stop, Finn grabbed the duffel bag that Alessa had helped him pack. He smiled as he thought of his kind hearted nanny, the one who's eyes were lined with wrinkles from smiling so much. He hopped out of the dark green limo that signified he was from Principle and looked around. He saw at least four white limos, but there were only two people from Principle, himself included. Finn was not the average child from Principle. While he had been raised with mass amounts of money, he didn't take after his Grid mates with their snooty attitudes. Years of having to hide his powers had humbled him. However he knew that he'd most likely be targeted by one of the Recruits, someone who had a grudge against those in Principle. Finn looked up at the instructor who had called for everyone to gather at the front of the steps. Having chewed his index finger nail to a stub, Finn moved onto the thumb as he walked forward with the rest of the recruits. He stopped, duffel bag slung over his shoulder and his eyes focused on the instructor.