Corina gave a short, affirmative nod. "Understood, sir. I look forward to this assignment," she added, as if to reinforce that she did, in fact, appreciate the gravity of this detail. After all, Corina didn't want to come off as if she felt she was above this kind of an assignment. She went where she was most needed, and it sounded like that that place was here. However, she was not without her doubts. Corina was a foot soldier, after all; piloting ships was never her forte. Of course, Pharazon made clear that they weren't [i]just[/i] piloting ships; whatever they would be piloting was just as effective as a surface weapon as it was a strikecraft. That was slightly reassuring, but still, there was a reason Corina was assigned to an infantry unit and not the cavalry. If Chie's remarks had any effect on Corina, she didn't show it. She maintained her stoic, rigid composure - not out of any active desire to appear composed, but as a result of years of military training and discipline. This was going to be an interesting assignment. Out of the corner of her eye, Corina noticed Arienne getting notably more comfortable than herself; the woman seemed fairly relaxed and easy-going, and while Corina could not understand that kind of behavior, she certainly respected it.