Nikolai yawned as he leaned on the wall. He looked down at his wrists. Sure enough, the shackles were still there, as if mocking him. He supposed that this [i]was[/i] the penalty for trying to steal a marine caravel. Still, they didn't need to slap him with a life sentence. It seemed a bit harsh. He stood up. It was a small prison, servicing no more than 200 inmates, but it seemed well run. Prisoners were given 3 square meals and plenty of time in the sun, but it could still get boring. "Well, wonder what I'll do today..." He mumbled as the cell door was opened and he was led out to the yard where he immediately went to a bench and lied down, taking the whole thing for himself. Of course this pissed off most of the other inmates, but Nikolai didn't really care. He would rather just enjoy a comfortable nap in the sun.