[center][h1]Broken Illusions[/h1] [h2][b]Characters:[/b] Aluvia & Reates & Olivia [b]Location:[/b] Master Melody’s Academy, Loom [b]Time:[/b] Around Midday [/h2] Contributors:[@Sundered Echo], [@Yoshua171], and [@Fallenreaper][hr] [/center] This place was like a maze. Olivia looked down from one hallway to the next, her eyes brushed the many classroom windows noting both the full and empty rooms, the earlier made her less eager to bother while the latter didn’t have what she was looking for. Slowly she was feeling her irritation grow when she managed to find everything save what she was looking for. Even her old school hadn’t been this large back in Kenan and she felt her heart collapse in on itself, an invisible fist seemed to be threatening to crush it thanks to the weight in her chest. She hated the sensation yet only managed to shove it away again, barely. At least she had a chance to change her clothes and brush her hair, the red strands braided and fitted with new flowered barrettes. They happened to be a pair Aeris usually had with her since when Olivia was younger, she often lost them making keeping a spare pair handy a habit back then. The girl was lucky Ris never stopped doing it. Lisara had helped her find another pair of gloves, fingerless and made from knitted wool, to wear. She always found it odd how the hellhound knew exactly that she needed gloves even when the rest of her family thought it was some sort of fashion statement, something she was so shallow about. Though the colors did match her current school uniform surprisingly well. It was the one that seemed suitable for the weather as the skirt, compared to Noel’s sweater dress, reached down to an inch above her knees covering much of her legs thankfully which made her feel less awkward. She edged into a wider space only to meet her biggest choice yet. There were five corridors, each leading to different directions and she had no idea which to take. Even worse, she had made so many twists and turns, it was difficult to tell which way she had come from originally. Her forehead rested in her hand when the realization washed over her, “Ahh… AC, I think.. I just got us lost…” “I’ve never been lost before.” Aluvia replied almost whimsically. “The place I lived before was easy to navigate. Forest and wilderness. Not like the hollow canyons of these cities. Even then though... “ She continued neutrally. “I simply wandered. I could always glide up if I needed to see.” She did not realise how much she was not helping. Olivia turned to the angel and gave her a frown, a thinking one. “That doesn’t help me though as I don’t have wings and I don’t think it would matter as we’re inside a building. I’m sure you’ve had situations you couldn’t always fly, right? What did you do in those occasions when you wanted to be somewhere in particular?” Still waiting on the woman’s answer, she looked at her five options with worry because one wrong choice could end up getting them more lost. A matter that Ris was already going to kill her for since she couldn’t figure out her way back to the room. She was sure she looked like an idiot just standing there and even worse, she was fully aware of it which only increased the frustration. “I try to stay outside.” She said simply. She preferred it under the open sky, the sky that would bend to her every desire. In here she felt vulnerable, all she had to defend herself was her wings. No rain to wash the dirt and blood away. No wind to keep her hair from falling in her eyes. Everything was too controlled. Too ordered. Somehow that felt familiar, like something from long ago, yet not necessarily a pleasant familiar. “I try to stay under the sky.” She repeated to clarify. Olivia nodded, though she knew the statements did little to help her. Then again, the woman had mentioned she had died before so that could be why she seemed a bit odd. Though Olivia was still figuring that part out…. Her hand brushed her hair as she bit her lip some, inwardly debating on what she could do and knew there was one guaranteed way to find her way. A way, she wasn’t about to try if she could help it. Pausing for a bit longer in thought, she finally gave into the option of chance when she asked Aluvia to choose a path, “Well, which corridor do you suggest? They all look the same to me and one seems to be as good as another, isn’t it?” Aluvia looked at each of them in turn. They all looked the same to her. She felt like it would be faster to get outside if they took the leftmost one, why, she couldn’t say. Perhaps it was just a hunch. Without saying a word, she turned and started walking that way at a swift pace. It would be good to be outside again. She could stretch her wings there. Without burning anything people might be attached to. Noticing AC suddenly shoot down the furthest left one, Olivia’s feet darted after her. Her shoes slapped the tile floor and almost ran to keep up with the angel, mindful of the wings. She knew how Aluvia had said they hurt despite how pretty they looked. The last thing her friend needed was more pain, something Olivia refused to cause more of as she tried to keep close as possible behind. It seemed like several minutes passed before a door appeared, the small gap underneath seemed to shine light and a breeze blew in through it. The air around this part of the hall had a heavy rain scent compared to the rest making Olivia realise why Aluvia had came here. “That leads outside, doesn’t it?” She asked, reaching out a hand to touch angel’s shoulder and get her attention. And hopefully get her to move aside without being rude. At the sudden touch, Aluvia jumped in surprise. She was not used to the touch of other people, never really having felt it. Her wings twitched and she pulled away, brushing her companions hand with the tip of her glowing wing as she did so. She knew the effect her wings had on flesh from past experience, and even as she pulled back she looked with horror at the human girl next to her, hoping that she had not badly injured her. Fear twisted in her belly, that she might lose this person who cared, because of one clumsy mistake. Heat was the first sensation in Olivia’s brain. Followed shortly after by the combination of excruciating pain and smell of burning flesh. It was sudden and no time to adjust, Olivia’s hand brushed the feathery tip on the wing and her hand jerked back. Her mouth opened and screamed. It was a blood curdling one that erupted and echoed in the small hallway. The girl’s nerves roared in agony, her glove smoldered as the fabric couldn’t stand the wing’s energy, exposing her flesh underneath to the fire. As if it had been caught on fire. Her knees quickly gave out causing her to crumble to the floor, hitting her side hard on her landing and knocking the wind from her for a brief moment. The image of AC’s expression seared itself inside her memory. It followed her down as she clutched her injured hand, and shoved it against her stomach in a pale attempt to stop the pain. Her body curled into a ball while the ache seemed to fill her focus. [i]Oh god, it hurts. It hurts so bad…[/i] Olivia started to tremble in a familiar sensation that seemed to rapidly spread within her, her mind locked in the images that flashed and her eyes squeezed tightly. Her body tightened in position, throat collapsed in on itself as her lungs seemed to stop working leaving her breathless. [i]NO, please… no, not here. Not now! [/i] The girl found herself silently pleading for it to stop. She felt the helpless realization wash over her then when she knew all she could was wait out the storm raging within her. [i]Let it be over quickly, please... [/i] With those last words Olivia felt the effect fade and her mind darken, edging to pass out from the experience. Aluvia froze as her companion fell, screaming. She could see that it was nothing more than a mild burn to the hand, yet the pain it seemed to be causing evidently went far beyond that. She stood staring at Olivia’s unmoving form for several long moments, knowing not what to do. Her own wounds healed fairly quickly… But she remembered that others did not have such effective healing as she. Especially humans. She did not remember anything helpful though. “O-Olivia?” She said fearfully, reaching out halfheartedly towards her prone form for a moment before withdrawing her hand again. She could see the girl breathing, but she did not wake. Why wouldn’t she wake up? “Wake up…” She pleaded. [color=#67D1A0][B]“Move away lass,”[/B][/color] a male voice chimed as if from nowhere, no cheer in it, no joy. Reates walked towards them, bent a knee and checked Olivia’s pulse. He sighed and then closed his eyes, taking no mind to the angel. His essence roared through him, then focused and exited his fingertips, curling around Olivia’s body, some of them lightly making contact with the burn, which quickly faded. The energies would gently wake the girl, simultaneously alleviating the pain, and healing the wound. He was glad he’d left a part of Abstractis with the girl, as she’d wandered far and was quite lost, and now injured--even if not for long. [color=#67D1A0][B]“Lassie. Olivia, wake up dear, tha pain’s gone now,”[/B][/color] he said gently, his accent altering his words slightly. He remained on one knee near her, there mostly for comfort now. Even the fabric of her glove would’ve reformed itself, as if the damage had never been done. He was a master of the Art after all. Olivia couldn’t move as she felt her magic weave its magic, images she never seen flew inside her head and her body trembled in response. It seemed like it would never end. Her heart was thumping rapidly and out of control, her pulse fluttering under Reates’ in an unusual pace. She hadn’t even registered AC’s or the teacher’s words before something swirled inside her and the pain faded. At feeling the magic subside, her eyes slowly peeked open to see two blurry images at first looking on her balled up form. Olivia’s eyes tightened to focus, clearing the images until they looked more like people than blurry shadows. Gingerly, her body began to stir upright, her right arm using it to balance herself while she tried to think about what had happened. Her head snapped up and looked at AC, her face filled with worry at the recollection about the wings being painful, “What happened? AC, are you alright? Did I hurt you?” One trait she did unknowingly was to worry about others, especially about those she was closest to. Dizziness washed over her due to her sudden movement causing her hand to cradle her head and arm to keep her from falling back down. The girl moan softly, her fingers rubbed in gentle circles while giving a small, forced smile to the pair, “I passed out from the pain, didn’t I?” Aluvia stepped back when asked, watching the man, a teacher presumably, heal Olivia. She didn’t speak, simply standing somewhat awkwardly awaiting the results. She was filled with relief when Olivia started to sit upright, thankful that this accident hadn’t been more dire. That was quickly replaced by worry and fear that perhaps her new friend might think she struck out on purpose, and so she remained silent. She was quite surprised by Olivia’s first words however. “You… hurt me?” She said with equal parts puzzlement and disbelief in the possibility. After all, how could a little human girl possibly harm her? The ground and air was at her bidding and her wings seared flesh to the bone. “No… I hurt you.” She said matter-of-factly. “You surprised me. My wing touched your hand. It burned you. It burns everything.” She added by way of explanation. She didn’t know what to say to the idea that Olivia would pass out from the pain. She must’ve been very weak to have passed out from such a glancing blow. Aluvia found herself disappointed and disgusted from that thought, though she did not know why. A smile gracing his lips, Reates’ eyes were a soft glow. He chuckled at the angel’s response, then offered Olivia a hand. [color=#67D1A0][B]“Ya ready to be back on yer feet?”[/B][/color] Olivia nodded and reached her hand to take the man’s, her eyes giving AC a small smirk. Namely to let the angel know she was alright as she was hauled up, her feet still threatened to wobble out from under her. Olivia noted the tone in her friend’s voice when she corrected the younger girl’s words and caused her to address Aluvia or Cerria, she was still figuring out which to call her, first. “It’s fine and I didn’t think you would’ve reacted that way to be honest. I didn’t mean to startle you. As for your wings, I did recall you mentioned they hurt and I didn’t want to make that worse. Though I wished I had known they could burn too.” At the thought of burning, her eyes jerked to her hand and eyes widened in surprise at finding the glove intact. She stared at it harder and examined, her eyes studying it as she tried to puzzle the reason why. Not wanting to look ungrateful, she remembered she had yet to thank the teacher that arrived and helped her upright, “Ummm… thanks Mr. Saerne, I appreciate the help. Though I’m sorry to say, I think I got us lost trying to find the pay phones.” [color=#67D1A0][B]“Ya shoulda asked, mosta tha folks ‘round here are rather helpful,”[/B][/color] he was now smiling, amused by her surprise at the glove and her lack of injury. He waved the idea away, brushing his hand through the air, [color=#67D1A0][B]“...but no matter, I’ll help ya find it.”[/B][/color] His eyes slid over to the angel that was now accompanying his charge. Her wings were indeed burning, their essence searing away any and all impurities, slowly, that remained within her. The process could take decades if not properly managed. He retained his smile as he spoke to her, [color=#67D1A0][B]“I don’t believe we’ve met, what’re yer names? Mine’re Reates Saerne.”[/B][/color] He had gotten few tips from Abstractis, though not all of the details. Even if he had known her name, it was far more polite to ask. Aluvia looked briefly between her now healed companion and the man who had healed her, not sure if she should speak. When no one else said anything after a moment, she concluded it must be her turn to speak. She was slightly surprised that the man had asked for her [i]names[/i]. Usually people seemed to ask for her name, as though she only had one. At least that solved the usual dilemma of which name to give him. “I am Aluvia. I am Cerria.” She said with far more confidence than she had ever had before when stating her names, though immediately after she looked somewhat lost. Beyond that, she still hadn’t determined what she should say to new people. One thing did occur to her to ask though. “You made her pain go away. Can you make my pain go away?” Olivia had been quiet. Slowly her head turned from the professor to AC in a hope to get the Angel to introduce herself. For a long, awkward time it had seemed unlikely her new friend was even aware of what she was suppose to do and Olivia didn’t want to risk stepping on toes. Though it would’ve helped breaking the ice, Mr. Saerne didn’t ask her to introduce her friend. The girl finally felt her held breath release softly when she heard the confidence in AC’s voice when she figured it out. Her lips curled into a smile warmly at the older woman and tried to look encouraging. In habit, Olivia’s right arm had crossed over her body and held it there, her hand gripping the upper part in relief that the two now knew each other. Despite her image, something bothered her inside. Her mind lingered on what she saw, mentally hoping it was merely her imagination. Deep down, beyond the false hope and desire to believe, she knew better. A fact which only worried her more than before. Something terrible was happening to her friend and the pain appeared to be only part of it. Olivia shuddered briefly before she shook off the feeling and kept her smile, ensuring it didn’t waver. One thing she was good at was faking emotions she didn’t fully feel. It was a good thing the talent was practiced and had gotten better over the years until even she had trouble telling the fiction apart from the truth. “AC- which I shortened for a nickname- says her wings hurt. Though after touching them, I can see why now. At least I thought I did,” Olivia’s eyes stared at her gloves again, still wondering what she saw or experienced. The image seemed like a faded memory now. She knew something happened as Aluvia had stated he healed her, but Olivia still wondered if she should trust her own eyes at all. She ripped her stares from her hand and looked to the professor with pleading eyes when she continued, this time asking a question. “Please, tell me there’s something you can do Mr. Saerne?” He listened closely and it seemed Abstractis had been right. She had [I]two[/I] names, both first names, rather one being a surname. While Olivia spoke, the professor’s eyes scanned AC’s wings further. Their incandescence was odd and likely related both to a regression and her status as a weather angel. Stranger still was the fact that she did not appear to be aware of what was happening to her, leading him to believe that this regression was not a willful one...at least not by this incarnation’s will. Still, while he knew a great deal about angels and their biology, he was not entirely certain as to whether or not one could stop a regression once it had begun. He doubted it. Nonetheless, he might be able to soothe her pain. He glanced between the two, his expression somewhat more serious as he looked Aluvia over. He noted Olivia’s minor disbelief in what had happened to her, somewhat from her actions, and somewhat from the very surface of her thoughts, something he did not read on a truly conscious level. [color=#67D1A0][B]“There might be a thing’re two I can do to alleviate the pain,”[/B][/color] he said, his tone measured, [color=#67D1A0][B]“...however, before I attempt such a thing….”[/B][/color] he paused for a long moment, seeming to consider something. After a moment he smiled, [color=#67D1A0][B]“I’d prefer to get a better handle on who I’m working with. So AC, what do you remember?”[/B][/color] He held up a finger, remembering something, and glanced back to Olivia. [color=#67D1A0][B]“You were searchin’ for a phone, aye? Ye could’ve just asked ya know. There’s one back in my office, and,”[/B][/color] he paused, glancing back at AC with a smile, [color=#67D1A0][B]“that also ‘appens to be tha best place for me to help ya. Shall we change locations then?”[/B][/color] Olivia listened to the professor, her heart racing and mind hoping, as she noticed the change in his expression. From her first impression the man had seemed rather odd in her opinion, to put it mildly, and over relaxed. The latter a trait was one her brother and him shared loosely, though Emmet’s was more hidden away in his overprotectiveness and awareness about her feelings. Her fingers tightened in reaction to her thoughts about her brother, making her apprehensive inside again. “I didn’t want to be a bother to anyone, but thank you for the offer. It’s better than getting lost inside.” After all, she was only a temporary student here and wouldn’t be sticking around long enough for it to be necessary. She knew, besides her brother, Uncle Darius would worry about her though it was likely Aeris had already notified him so he was aware of her location. EZ had no one to contact or worry about him, save for herself. She inhaled nervously and looked to see AC’s answer, partly knowing the angel rather be outside than confined inside. In an effort to ease the discomfort, Olivia piped up with a suggestion she hoped would help coax her friend into tolerating the inside a bit longer. “Once we’re done, maybe we can get some lunch and eat it outside? The weather looks lovely today and might be fun, don’t you think?” “Yes I would like to go outside…” Aluvia said somewhat absentmindedly. This new man now seemed a little like the others she had met. Not afraid like they were, but he did not seem like Olivia either. Still, he wanted to try and help, and that was good. “Yes lets go there.” When they reached the office, Aluvia turned to the man, Reates was his name, and started speaking about who she was. At least to the best of her limited knowledge. “I was Cerria, before I died. Dying was the first thing I remembered when I woke up.” She tried not to think too hard about it, lest the memory return unbidden once again. “I remember being angry, hateful. Destroying humans, demons and angels without a second thought.” She was speaking matter-of-factly without any real hint that what she was saying might be considered terrible by a normal person. “I know there was something before all that. The man that killed me talked as though we were friends, and happy, before I did what I did. His name was Lucien.” “Was it because you were in pain back then as well?” Olivia blurted out and nearly flinched at her carelessness as she bit her lip, unsure how AC was going to react. After all she didn’t know how this whole death and still alive thing worked though she was deeply curious, a trait that would likely get her in trouble later on if she wasn’t careful. Not that the notion ever occurred to her. “No….” Aluvia said, as though the idea was absolutely ridiculous. “It only started hurting when I started remembering.” Now speaking as though it were obvious. “I stopped trying to remember, and it didn’t get more painful. But I want to remember. I want to know who I was before. But I also want the pain to stop.” She tried to sound sure of herself, though it was hard. Remembering more meant more pain, and she did not know how much more she could bear. How much further back would the memories go? How many more of them would be horrifying? Listening closely, Reates nodded his head, then rubbed his chin somewhat, an inquisitive look on his face. As he thought it over his eyes flickered over and around Aluvia’s body. After a moment he sighed and straightened up fully, bending back till there were light popping sounds as he loosened the muscles in his back. He sighed and then looked at the angel, [color=#67D1A0][B]“Hold still,”[/B][/color] he then took his glasses off. While neither of them would understand the significance of this action, it was indeed one of note. Reates practically never removed his glasses, but it was not because he couldn’t see without them on--quite the opposite. In fact, one could say that Reates saw [I]too[/I] well without them, for he was one of the rare individuals who possessed what was colloquially referred to as ‘The Sight’. Reates could visualize essence, but not in the same way as some mages learned to do. No, Reates could do more than see the initial layers of essence, he could see its intricacies all the way down to the level of the sub-atomic plane, and that was a feat that very few could claim--let alone understand. It was this sight that he needed to properly analyze the entirety of this angel’s essence--or at least as much as his mortal mind could process and understand. In an effort to increase his own capacity, the mage increased the speed that the essence in his body moved and redirected a fair amount into his brain, temporarily speeding up its processes. All this in a mere four seconds. With his preparations taken care of, Reates’ eyes swept over Aluvia, from top to bottom, and wing tip to wing tip, four times. After looking her over the professor swiftly replaced his glasses, closed his eyes for a long moment, and then let out a deep breath. After several seconds of processing, and his allowing the slight headache behind his eyes recede, Reates opened his eyes and smiled at the two girls before him. [color=#67D1A0][B]“Aluvia, there’s good news and bad news. Tha’ bad news is I can only lessen tha’ pain, not get rid of it. The good? I know exactly what’s causing it and I can help you, albeit slowly, work through it--provided you’re willin’.”[/B][/color] He smirked and then glanced over to Olivia, “Ah!”[/B][/color] He exclaimed before turning and grabbing an item from his desk, [color=#67D1A0][B]“Think fast!”[/B][/color] He threw it lightly towards Olivia. If she didn’t catch it, it would nearly hit the ground, before suddenly stopping all movement, as if suspended in time. Regardless there’d be a smirk on the irishman’s face. “Less pain would be good.” Aluvia began, looking extremely puzzled as Reates suddenly threw an object straight at Olivia. “I came here so that you would help me.” She said matter-of-factly, in response to the next thing Reates said. It seemed strange to her that he would bother asking if she was willing at this point. After all, if she were not willing, she would be busy leveling a nearby city right about now. “What must I do?” She then asked in a slightly optimistic tone. Olivia's teeth pushed deeper into her bottom lip, turning the spot slightly whiter, as the girl's expression shifted. At Aluvia's tone, her earlier curiosity into a mingle of hurt and discomfort causing her eyes to shift downward. It was clear she didn't like the assumption her friend might've made about her intelligence or the possible fact Aluvia's prior life could have been a murderess. [i]Was it fair to judge a person by their past crimes and punish them for it, even when they weren't the same person? Especially when they want to remember it?[/i] The answer to the first question as no and the easiest to answer, but the last one was harder. Though Olivia admitted she couldn't see why anyone would've wanted to recall such things. Aluvia's sting faded when Professor Reates sighed and stretched, the light popping sounds quickly drawing Olivia's attention with a jerk from her head to his direction. Finally he said something odd, then removed his glasses. It made Olivia tilt her head in confusion at why he had to remove them, noting he hadn't before in her presence. While he examined Aluvia, she pushed the thought away slowly to the back of her mind. She reasoned there had to be point, one she didn't fully understand, and since she wasn't assigned permanently here, it wouldn't matter. In silence she observed the professor looking the angel up and down several times before he seemed to finish, replacing his glasses and absorbed what he apparently studied. Though all he did was look, Olivia didn't understand what he could've saw to help him conclude what he spoke next. Even doctors needed more than simple looking and examination to tell when something was wrong, let alone how to fix it. Absorbed into his good news, Olivia abruptly jerked when Reates suddenly piped up with sound and caused her eyes to follow his figure to the desk. She didn't expect him to have tossed something at her and immediately made to catch it, her hands stinging when the item collided against her palms. Her fingers tightened to prevent it from slamming into the floor. Her body had nearly dove for it as it hunched over, feet spread a bit to keep her own figure upright. Widened up, she looked to Reates and back to the phone he had tossed, firmly in hand. He threw a phone at her. She blinked, still trying to register why, finally straightening up again. Taking the time to recover after the shock, she waited until Aluvia was done before she jumped in. “Thank you... I think. Professor Saerne, is there somewhere private? I rather not interrupt anything while I call my brother as I know he'll be worried.” In response to the girl the professor’s arm raised, as if gesturing to a corner of the room. His fingers flickered in several patterns, and when Olivia turned towards where he’d gestured there’d be what appeared to be something of a phone both. It had a small bench in it as well. [color=#67D1A0][B]“It’s sound proofed, dearie. Take yer time,”[/B][/color] he stated, smiling at her before glancing back to Aluvia. [color=#67D1A0][B]“Thought as much, but it’s best ta doublecheck before trussin’ around in someone else’s essence, aye?”[/B][/color] He smiled at her then took in a deep breath and motioned for her to take a step or two closer. As she neared him, he flourished both his hands, coating them in a layer of essence as a primer for what he planned to do. [color=#67D1A0][B]“Turn ‘round lass, I’ll have to [I]adjust[/I] yer wings some before I get to tha rest.”[/B][/color] Once she’d turned ‘round Reates’ hands would begin to dance about her wings deftly, every so often coming into direct contact with them, before moving into another set of patterns. As he wove he began to explain, [color=#67D1A0][B]“Put simply, you’re going through what’s called Regression. It’s when an angel relives, or at least, delves into their core essence--which is stored in their wings--and remembers their past lives. In yer case it seems like you’ve only had two lives...though I can’t tell much beyond that from just a cursory examination.”[/B][/color] He stopped for a minute or so, going totally silent as the movements of his hands, fingers, arms, and eyes became more complex. Every so often his hands would make contact with various areas on her back and arms. At this point she’d begin to feel the pain adjust and lessen with each passing motion of the mage’s hands. [color=#67D1A0][B]“Problem is, lass, Regression is already a process that more often than not, drives an angel off tha deep end...ah. They go insane,”[/B][/color] he corrected himself for clarity’s sake, something he did not do often. [color=#67D1A0][B]"However,"[/B][/color] he began as he laid down the last of several layers of enchantment, [color=#67D1A0][B]"I can relieve some of the pain by stabilizing the flow of yer essence, and I can help ya with the regression if ya come ‘ere every few days, or we scratch up a schedule. I can help walk ya through the process somewhat and make sure yer mind don’t get turned all a tangle."[/B][/color] At that he ceased talking, waiting for her to process the information before he said anymore. It would take him only a minute or so more to finish his work. Aluvia unknowingly held her breath as she turned and let Reates touch her wings. She was expecting him to recoil and shout in pain as his fingers burned. She breathed a sigh of relief as not only did Reates’ fingers not burn, but the pain in her wings actually decreased. It was better by far than the soothing of the rain on her skin, as cool relief ran through her veins. The pain was still there, but her limbs felt less stiff and her wings relaxed almost imperceptibly. She only half heard what he was saying, tearing her focus away from the feeling in her wings. “Regression?” She said slowly. Reates was saying it drove angels insane… Did that mean she was insane? That sounded bad. “I am not like you…” She said including everyone else she had met within ‘you.’ “Is that why? Am I insane?” She asked calmly and with curiosity evident in her voice. Something else occurred to her then. “You said… Only two? Does that mean other Angels die more than once?” That sounded incredibly unpleasant. It was bad enough remembering only one death. “I do want to remember. I want to know what I was like… When I was still Lucien’s friend. I will keep coming back here.” She spoke now with enthusiasm, finally someone that seemed to have answers and wanted to help. Reates chuckled at first, then nodded, smiling somewhat, though there was a more serious look in his eyes. “No lass, you’re not insane, ‘t’least not as far’s I can tell,” he began taking in a deep breath then glancing at her essence once more. “I’m willin’ to help ya with continued regressions, but tha pain will get worse the further ya go, and since this’d be only yer second life it means the regression will last...quite a long while. It might take ya years to properly finish, and only then will the pain stop completely.” He let that statement sit for a moment before he continued, “If you’re willing to go through that, then I’ll help ya, but once you start...backing out will be a bad idea. Oh and as to the matter of other Angels, yes. All Angels are...reincarnated once they die. Two lives is a rarity, hundreds is common.” His tone was more business-like and serious than normal. Nonetheless he smiled at her when he finished then turned towards where he’d seen Olivia wander off to. “We can talk about it more later. I’ve got to grab a small bite ta eat before me class and I’m sure Aeris’ll be wantin’ Olivia back soon, haha.” His eyes moved away from Olivia and back to Aluvia, “We can meet tomorrow, midday. I’ll get ya some lunch and we can have a nice little sit down in my office and work out the details.” He then nodded, assuming her willingness and beckoned to Olivia, “Lass, I’ll walk ya back to Aeris’ room. I’d hate for you to get lost again.” Olivia had just finished her phone call when she exited the booth. Her eyes reddened from crying and face thoughtful, masking the troublesome thinking buried within her head. Mostly regret and worry sank into her chest where it curled like a snake. A nasty one, waiting and listening for a perfect moment to poison her attempt at hiding her frustration. It had taken some time to stop the crying but she did it, putting on a smile to hide her pain. After all, she had been practicing for well over a year so it wasn't as hard anymore. “It's alright, Professor Saerne, but I think I can find my way back on my own.” Her voice wavered a bit, subtly, and she forced more strength into it. In truth she didn't want go back to her room and wait on Aeris, uncertain if her sister was even there. She was a teacher after all, busy and it wasn't fair to bother her over what she had learned. Inside she wasn't even sure how much longer she could hold it in but she didn't want to lose in front of Aeris. Crying was one thing, but tossing and screaming out every little pain was something else. “If you don't mind that is as I’m sure you need to get ready for another class, right?” Inside she pleaded he didn't insist. He didn’t, instead he nodded, walked to her, gave her a brief hug and then flicked his wrist. He held his hand out, a sheet of paper in it. [color=#67D1A0][B]“This is a map, so ya don’t get lost again,”[/B][/color] he smiled at her calmly and patted her on the back. He decided not to ask any questions and then bid her ado, gently escorting her to the door and then gesturing for Aluvia to depart as well. Once they were both gone, Reates headed for the cafeteria to retrieve his lunch. Abstractis on the other hand, remained unseen...always with Olivia. Reates was a cautious man after all.