[quote=@Nightmare Bunny] Sheesh, AP physics? I'm taking AP Bio next year because I hate every science EXCEPT for Bio. But I really like Bio. And, well... you'll see~! Also, googled (Princess) Tosatsu... dude, the character so strangely fitting that it's almost weird that I've never heard of her. Look at those bunny ears! Look at that knife! And we even have the same hairstyle... creepy. Except that she's not doing it for justice! [s]And I don't actually kill people.[/s] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/c9c52f748583484172f7724481728b86/tumblr_inline_n7vbfnoS1A1sxo0up.png[/img] I'm sure you're gonna do great, Vec~! Just do your best. I have faith in you! I mean, if Rune and Ogo can do it, anyone can, right? (Just kidding, just kidding, I love you guys~) [s]And if you want to waste even MORE time, you could even post![/s] [/quote] That's because you've never played Wadanohara and the Deep Blue Sea. I love the endings to that game due to how screwed up Normal End 1 is, how depressing Normal End 2 is, and how bittersweet the True Ending was. All I'll say is even if you don't see her character as similar, I can easily erase those lines since I've done a play through of the game. You both have a sort of heel face turn, you both like bunnies, her soldiers will give you nightmares, and after the heel face turn her intentions become good. Unless you watch a playthrough or play through the game, you don't know how far she will go for friendship. Also, yes, yes you two [i]do[/i] have the same hairstyles... hee hee hee. Makes you two look lovely. ... Anyways, enough of me pretending to be a really creepy stalker (like seriously super awkward, creepy, and just plain wrong. I lurk, not stalk :p), why do you have to under-value Vector? He is the Chem Tutor that helps you through despair and stuff D: Then again, you were joking so thank god for that. At least you didn't slay me by telling me I had really crappy nicknaming skills :p Regardless, maybe I should change my avatar to Tosastsu, haven't used an avy of her in a while. Time to become a crossdresser and call myself the Bunny Princess... maybe.