[quote=@Savo] That's because you've never played Wadanohara and the Deep Blue Sea. I love the endings to that game due to how screwed up Normal End 1 is, how depressing Normal End 2 is, and how bittersweet the True Ending was. All I'll say is even if you don't see her character as similar, I can easily erase those lines since I've done a play through of the game. You both have a sort of heel face turn, you both like bunnies, her soldiers will give you nightmares, and after the heel face turn her intentions become good. Unless you watch a playthrough or play through the game, you don't know how far she will go for friendship. Also, yes, yes you two [i]do[/i] have the same hairstyles... hee hee hee. Makes you two look lovely. ... Anyways, enough of me pretending to be a really creepy stalker (like seriously super awkward, creepy, and just plain wrong. I lurk, not stalk :p), why do you have to under-value Vector? He is the Chem Tutor that helps you through despair and stuff D: Then again, you were joking so thank god for that. At least you didn't slay me by telling me I had really crappy nicknaming skills :p Regardless, maybe I should change my avatar to Tosastsu, haven't used an avy of her in a while. Time to become a crossdresser and call myself the Bunny Princess... maybe. [/quote] Bro, I love Vec. Vec is like, the reason for my current A in Chemistry. YOU HEAR THAT, VEC? I LOVE YOU, MAN~! Wadanohara and the Deep Blue Sea, huh? Maybe I'll play it, then~ well, when I have time, that is. After finals. And hey, are you copying me? Are you trying to become Bunny the second? What?! Wait, I need to preserve my originality! Stop, stop, stop! I'm Bunny, you're a smoking Orca, got it? If you admire me that much, you should just become my minion, like Noklu~! And then I'll have two minions! [s]Not even gonna comment on the stalker thing. I do look lovely. So there.[/s]