[@Nightmare Bunny] Please tell me he is also good at Physics as I'm sort of crap at it... and maybe you two could invite me to some of your sessions as I would like a refresher on Chemistry as that would be nice for me to procure forgotten knowledge! It is power, heh heh heh... Yup, there are also two other games made by him - The Grey Garden and Mogeko Castle. All I'll say is one things to certain in his games - rape may happen to your character, especially in the infamous Mogeko Castle where you have horny cat things that love Prosciutto and praise it as food of the gods. Plus the protagonist sort of has a thing for her brother... sort of. Idk if its sisterly log or something more so yeah. Just don't be fooled by how adorable the game looks as horrid things can happen in the Gardens, the Sea, and the Castle. What, copy you mi'lady? Oh please, I will perform not such a trifling matter. Maybe I'll become a Sea Witch, the Ambassador of the Sea of Death, a Tsundere Shark, or maybe I'll stick to my regular form... I mean - [Img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/05e3ce3c693ac5795c2b00fc07a29e26/tumblr_n7mxa3MAJR1r749u0o1_500.gif[/img] Also, should of known you wouldn't find that weird. I mean you do like Mirai Nikki and the character Yuno. Now that I think about it, I have no idea if you'll be bothered by some of the rapey images in those games. Grey Garden is the mildest, Wadanohara is in the middle, Mogeko is infamous... Have fun~! ;P