[Naoto] "Ahh, well good. Wouldn't catch me dead in something like that!" Naoto smiled after the talk about the armor, "No offense, of course. Just doesn't suit my style... like these ghastly whine gowns everyone's wearing." he added with a slight shrug. Another woman started walking up too us with a wave. Garsin already replied, while Kassy behind me started to wander off towards the direction of the sleeping quarters. "Hey wait, where are you going?" Naoto spun, calling to her as she walked away. "Just... sleep." she muttered, but continued walking. Naoto grabbed the back of his head and shrugged it off, turning his attention back to the people he was currently with. "Hmm, that is interesting Garsin. Think it's a coincidence? What kind of people does this facility '[i]hire[/i]' anyway? So far I haven't been able to piece it all together quiet well. The only thing the group of us have in common so far was the attack upstairs... I'd call it fate, if I were a religious man." Naoto asked Garsin, folding his arms and looking up to him as he spoke. Naoto then turned to the woman that had waved just a moment before, "What's your name? Naoto, Tokyo Police, by the way." he spoke in Japenese as usual, hoping she would understand him, while offering his hand. "With all these greetings today, my hand might just come off." he added in a smile. [Kassy] As Kassy walked away from the group, she only glanced back once to see them talking, and no longer paying attention to her. She had already looked at the map and memorized where the rooms where. But, once she got there... she had no idea which one she was supposed to sleep in. She looked at some placards next to the doors, and saw names on them. Eventually she came across one placard that had no name on it. Kassy walked closer to it, until it flashed a bright-blue color. It blinked a few times, getting faster and faster, until it was a solid white-again. Then, her name appeared on the placard in bold black letters. [i]Guess... this is my room then....[/i] she thought to herself, before entering.