[h2]Group 1[/h2] [hider=Crimson] [center][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/23414449/large.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "My name is Crimson Blood and if you hear my name or see my face at night then it's probably the last thing you'll see or hear." [b]Nickname:[/b] "My siblings call me Crim. Call me anything else or call me Crim and I'll probably kill you." [b]Age:[/b] "I'm seventeen. What else do you want here? Like if I'm a half penguin or something?" [b]Powers:[/b] "Hm. I actually don't know. I'm a half demon but I don't know what powers I was given. Well besides when I'm really ticked off my eyes turn the same color as my hair." [b]Skills:[/b] "I'm fast....flexible....not much else to say." [b]Personality:[/b] "Hah, as if you can't already tell." [color=9e0b0f]Crimson, upon first meeting her, is snarky, cold, and very cruel. Once getting to know her however she's kind and basically becomes a teddy bear.[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] "I don't remember most of my life. It's been just a blur of blood and death. The most I remember is my older brother and my twin sister. Oh and killing my step mother." [b]Theme Song:[/b] All As One by Miracle of Sound [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b] She is half demon.[/center] [/hider] [hider=Yasha] [center]Human [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/bd/1b/d9/bd1bd9d66873c7c5a9b1b100695de5a0.jpg[/img] Demon [img]http://www.wallpapermay.com/thumbnails/detail/20140112/gloves%20darker%20than%20black%20hei%20red%20eyes%20monochrome%20male%20anime%20boys%20photoshop_www.wallpapermay.com_79.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "My name's Yasha Blood." [b]Nickname:[/b] [b]Age: [/b] "I'm either eighteen or nineteen...I know I'm almost two years older than my sisters." Powers: "I can change my appearance between a human form and my demon form. I have increased stamina due to being a full demon and it's slightly harder to injure me." Skills: "I'm fast.....that's pretty much it..." [b]Personality:[/b] "....Why?...." [color=a0410d]Yasha is very quiet and mysterious. He doesn't talk often nor does he show much emotion.[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] "Why do you need to know?" [b]Theme Song:[/b] Things We Lost In The Fire by Bastille [b]Outfit:[/b] In their respective photos [b]Other:[/b] He's a full demon and half brother to Crimson.[/center] [/hider] [hider=Kaia] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d4/76/ab/d476ab401937c62df1ff34d454d57f17.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "My full name is Kaia Hadlee-Mavis Farren" [b]Nickname:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] "I'm twenty years old." [b]Powers:[/b] "I'm a normal human." [b]Skills:[/b] "Um...I'm a high jumper...I guess." [b]Personality:[/b] "Um why is this needed?" [color=0076a3]Kaia is kind and brave. She's willing to risk her life to protect those she cares for.[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] "Yea um no." [b]Theme Song:[/b] Radioactive by Imagine Dragons [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b][/center] [/hider] [h2]Group 2[/h2] [hider=Sparrow] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/09/68/fd/0968fd05049a269a96e5ec34612b9c58.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "I guess this means my real name? Ugh it's Myrin Star. There, happy?" [b]Nickname:[/b] "Sparrow. If you call me Myrin I will butcher you." [b]Age:[/b] "I'd say sixteen...that's the age I look closest to anyways." [b]Powers:[/b] "I can turn into a sparrow. And for your information, yes I am alive and I think I'm human...I don't know. Does the wings that are on my back when I'm not in bird form count as not being the base description of 'human'? Oh yea and since I was young I've always been able to heal people though depending of the form of injury or sickness just depends on how much I can heal a person." [b]Skills:[/b] "I can jump pretty high. Depends on how much strength I have at that moment of time." [b]Personality:[/b] "...Seriously?" [color=007236]Sparrow upon first meeting her is quiet and cruel unless you're injured or sick. If she meets you at one of those two times is very kind and caring and puts your well being before her own. Once she get's to know you she's kind all around but is notably distant when spoken to.[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] "Hm I've repressed them for so long that I no longer remember my past." [b]Theme Song:[/b] My Demons by Starset [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b][/center] [/hider] [hider=Nina The Killer] [center][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/358/f/e/nina_the_killer_by_xcreppygirlx-d6z7yqj.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "I'm Nina the Killer! Duh it's obvious." [b]Nickname:[/b] "You can just call me Nina." [b]Age:[/b] "I lost count. Sixteen maybe seventeen." [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Enhanced Speed[/i] Nina can move faster than a normal human. [i]Increased Reaction Time[/i] Due to the need to never blinking she's been able to train her brain to keep up with what her eyes see. [b]Skills:[/b] "Hm, I'm good a melee combat and hand-to-hand." [b]Personality:[/b] "Can't you tell from meeting me? *giggles*" Basically a Jeff superfan, she hates Jane and is just a evolution of a extra fangirl. [b]Bio:[/b] [url=http://www.wattpad.com/26532156-creepypasta-stories-nina-the-killer]"You should know! Hehe!"[/url] [b]Theme Song:[/b] Monster by Skillet [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b][/center] [/hider] [hider=BEN Drowned][center][img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/315/e/2/creepy_pasta_card_5th_ben_drowned_by_gatanii69-d6twz1p.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "My name is BEN Drowned. You should know." [b]Nickname:[/b] "I've got none unless someone has given me one I don't know." [b]Age:[/b] "I'm ten years old." [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Electronic Manipulation[/i] He can manipulate all electronics around him and can glitch them, turn them on or off, and even control what is happening on them [i]Teleportation[/i] He can use any electronics around him as a way to teleport around. [b]Skills:[/b] "I don't have many skills. I'm insanely good a video games" [b]Personality:[/b] "Really? This is a question?" [b]Bio:[/b] "Really, I'm one of the most famous Creepypasta's. How do you not know?" [b]Theme Song:[/b] Discord - Eurobeat Brony (Living Tombstone Remix) [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b][/center][/hider] [h2]Group 3[/h2] [hider=Phantom Puppet] [center][img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/60cb/th/pre/f/2015/129/4/4/phantom_puppet__human__by_fnaf_max-d8sr3di.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "I'm the Phantom Puppet..." [b]Nickname:[/b] "I guess you can call me Phantom for short." [b]Age:[/b] "Um if I was alive then I would be 16 but since I'm dead I'm stuck as a 10 year old." [b]Powers:[/b] "Um I don't really....um..." [i]Speed[/i] She's fairly quick and can move from place to place quickly [i]Teleportation[/i] If running fails her or she needs to get someone quickly she can teleport to where she needs to go but cannot teleport any farther than ten miles of her current position. [i]Immune to Fire/Fire Manipulation[/i] Due to her form being badly charred and burned she is immune to fire and with that comes her ability to manipulate fire and to create minor flames. [i]Human Form[/i] She can take on a partial human form where she can take off the charred face of the Phantom Puppet. Basically she now appears with a ashy gray face and the same glowing white eyes but the Phantom Puppet face becomes a mask, which is what it normally is. [b]Skills:[/b] "Um, I guess I'm a good climber...." [b]Personality:[/b] "Um...." [color=0054a6]Phantom is very shy and quiet. Most of her vocabulary includes um and oh. When you get to know her she'll open up a little bit but is still very quiet.[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] "Um I was killed six years ago by the body I now inhabit. It used to be just a hallucination but as soon as I took it over and it's never disappeared since I inhabit it." [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EkVN1umZuk]"I've got no strings..."[/url] [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b][/center] [/hider] [hider=Viper][center] [img]http://hdpictwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/anime-girl-with-gun.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "My real name is Cecily Kai..." [b]Nickname:[/b] "Viper. Call me anything else and I'll shoot you." [b]Age:[/b] "Eighteen...Why is this needed?" [b]Powers:[/b] "No powers, nothing but my bracelet and my gun." [b]Skills:[/b] "I'm a good shooter [b]Personality:[/b] "Ha as if you can't tell already." Viper is very snarky and crude but getting to know her will show her kinder more protective side. [b]Bio:[/b] "My dad died, someone tried to kill me, Cerin appeared and saved me. That's the basis you need to know." [b]Theme Song:[/b] Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco [b]Outfit:[/b] [b]Other:[/b][/center][/hider] [hider=Cerin][center] [img]http://s4.favim.com/mini/48/anime-boy-gun-463608.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "Cerin..." [b]Nickname:[/b] "..." [b]Age:[/b] "Three hundred and four years old...I look nineteen." [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Electricity Manipultation (Lightning)[/i] He can create and spark lightning off his body and cause injuries towards his enemies. [i]Summoning[/i] Due to his soul being attached to a bracelet he can be summoned to whoever is wearing the bracelet when they are in danger then he stays in his form until the owner of the bracelet switches. [b]Skills:[/b] "I'm good with a gun and protecting people..." [b]Personality:[/b] "..." Cerin is very quiet and caring. He is willing to protect anyone due to the fact of his curse. He is brave and kind and is willing to go against whoever he travels with to right any wrongs they cause. [b]Bio:[/b] "I don't want to say..." [b]Theme Song:[/b] Fake Your Death by My Chemical Romance [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b][/center][/hider] [hider=Constance] [center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/047/9/e/anime_girl_kawaii_by_kathelyrion-d76q9n4.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] "C-Constance...Constance Accel." [b]Nickname:[/b] "Y-You can call me Con...or Connie for short." [b]Age:[/b] "I-I don't know for sure. Seventeen...eighteen maybe." [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Line Vision[/i] Due to being fully blind Constance developed a power that allows her to see using white lines to form outlines and features of object and the black to color them in. However she does have the ability to see purple, how she gained that she doesn't know. However this ability can stop working if she looses her concentration. [i]Enhanced Hearing[/i] Because she is blind some of her other senses are heightened to make up for her lack of sight. Her hearing is the biggest improvement and allows her to hear up to three and a half blocks away from her. [i]Fire Creation and Manipulation[/i] She can create fire with ease and also manipulate any fire around her. [b]Skills:[/b] "Um...I'm blind but I can sew and cook. Basic survival skills...." [b]Personality:[/b] "...What..." Constance is calm and a little cruel a points. She can stand up to most anger and can take the blunt force of anyone poking fun at her disability though there are points when it reaches a breaking limit and she snaps. When that happens she becomes hostile and violent. She's willing to do anything that can prove that she isn't weak. [b]Bio:[/b] "I don't actually remember anything before a few months ago. I only know my name because of a bracelet that was on my wrist." [b]Theme Song:[/b] Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright [b]Outfit:[/b] In photo [b]Other:[/b][/center] [/hider]