Name: Sierra Morningstar Age: 21 Gender: Female Role on the ship:Entertainer/Tracker Weapon: Uses large battle fans and smaller ones that are easily concealed as well as some daggers hidden in her person. Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Acts ladylike or cold around people she doesn't know or are not quite comfortable with. Around people she likes she acts quite mischievous, teasing her friends and making herself innocent in any situation due to excellent acting skills when they play pranks. Has an intense protective streak that tends to appear when her friends are in danger that causes her to become very vicious. Background: As an orphan Sierra was raised in an all female warrior temple and taught to act ladylike and formal by the priestess in most situations. She was taught to use her fans in the temple for ceremonies worshiping the temple god. The warrior priestesses also taught her how to use them as weaponry and taught her how to use her dagger. She was taught the ways of animals and how to track and identify any creature she could come across, even people. Due to how restless she tended to be, especially when hearing about the wold outside the temple, the priestesses decided to let her find her own way around the world. They prepared her and sent her off with many blessings to find her path in life. She hitched a ride on a ship leaving her island and decided to travel as a wandering entertainer using her fans to dance until she joined the crew.