[B][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/wtzuvm.jpg[/IMG] Name: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]ARTEI-0014 'Artie'[/COLOR] [B]Age: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]10 Months[/COLOR] [B]Gender: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]None - Vocalizer uses male voice pattern.[/COLOR] [B]Equipment: [/B] [COLOR=#99ccff]Artie's AI core is equipped within a prototype X4 Tactical Combat Unit. The Combat Unit is a state of the art droid, designed specifically for combat, using advanced cyberlimbic technologies to create a single body. The body itself is made up of advanced electronic circuitry housed within a EMP-cased shell of advanced artificial servomotors and processors. The artificial body is then clothed with diamond-carbon weave kevlar, and additional high strength alloy armor plates are equipped in a manner to make the robotic unit considerably more durable. The X4 Tactical Combat unit is able to use U.S.F. standard equipment, and comes with its own built in weaponry. Alongside its light machinegun, the X4 also houses a control system with which several X3 units can be slaved to.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#99ccff] ACR-10 Battle Rifle Combat Blades APP-3 Machine Pistols x2 Electrical Whipcord Mini-Rocket Suppression Foam[/color] [b]Personal Skills:[/b] [COLOR=#99ccff]Highly mobile and capable in both long ranged warfare and hand to hand combat. His hardy construction makes him extremely durable and capable of taking much punishment. He has the logic and computing skills of a supercomputer and has the ability to control multiple X3's at once.[/color] [b]Personal Weaknesses:[/b] [COLOR=#99ccff]As one of the first attempts to mass produce AI's, Artie is prone to the occasional glitch. He also occasionally expresses conflicting opinions, and exhibits less compliance than many Corporates would like.[/color] [B]History: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Advanced Reconnaissance and Tactical Electronic Interface, Serial number 0014, commonly referred to by the squad as 'Artie' is a prototype Artificial Intelligence unit created by the Lorne Corporation for the Coalition, with the intention of mass producing capable and efficient, yet cheap AI. Only created in limited numbers as of now, each ARTEI unit is typically bound to a human "Operator", either a USF Squad leader, or Hunter unit, to provide it with tactical as well as strategic advice. ARTEI is capable of re-tasking local X3 units in order to provide further aid. ARTEI-0014, commonly known as Artie by development teams as well as the few ground teams its been in contact with was the first ARTEI unit to complete training 5 months after its creation. 0014 then spent the next 4 months conducting classified raids against various pirate forces in order to continue gathering combat data and combat experience. ARTEI-0014 has spent the last month at a holding facility, where he maintains guard over a select group of unique humans.[/COLOR]