With the mission over, Celes walked to her room, tired, eating a couple of berries from her bag before going to sleep. She didn't care that they missed dinner. This day had been too annoying to even give her enough hunger. She never wanted to stay with a client like that ever again. She breath deeply before drifting off to sleep, dreaming. Images of the pass that didn't seem like hers... images of pokemons walking around in a strange village. That is until a strange darness started to form near the village, with pokemons running for their lives. Celes tried to see what it was, only to see the form of a blade in front of her as the vision faded and went on with normal dreams, dreams of happy times, with her family. It then made her think about what her mother told her... all this time she had her real mother guard her... but why didn't she ever tell her... why keep her in the dark about it. She just didn't know. ---------------------------------------------------------- Eralion woke up the next morning slowly, and stretched, only to see everyone else awake. He looked around a bit. He was use to be the last one to wake up usually... so this was really new to him. He sat down and breath deeply, before getting up and then doing some stretches. He breath deeply and looks at his team. Tini... he was one strange dratini, and full of energy, but very... let's just say strange and keep it at that. Bonnie.... she seemed to have gotten a lot of things happen in her past. Problems with her father, and listening to how she was saying it, it seemed like he did something unforgiving. He didn't know anything about her mother though. William... well theres one part he didn't quite understand. He seems to be able to use transform and even change into... very interesting transformations. And being a smeargle, he had a lot of moves he could learn and do. His past though was a mystery for him... same for that treecko Samuel. He breath deeply. All in good times. He sat in the corner, waiting for his team to wake up.