[center][i]It was looking like the majority of the group had either never taken a life before or haven't done it in ages. Baji wasn't so sure on how capable they were all going to be now after that revelation. Hesitation to go as far as needed when it came to self-preservation and the preservation of the group would be their downfall. He was about to give a few pointers on how to kill someone until the old crow asked them to stop moving. Jiang Baji thought she needed some rest so he reached for their water supply to hand to Metou but she was doing something else entirely. A jar with an eyeball inside? What kind of weird stuff was this lady into?! Then she had the unmitigated gall to put it in her empty socket, and Jiang was completely lost until that magical gust surrounded her. He still had no idea what was going on but it was quite interesting to see. Once the transformation was done, she was gone, well, the old crow was gone and a new younger crow was here with two eyes, nonetheless. The Dog of Shima walked over, circling her and looking around in the sky, under the Rontu and anywhere else his eyes may wander.[/i] [color=royalblue]"The old crow is gone and you're here! You're young! Wow that was so cool!"[/color] [i]The azure warrior was honestly surprised and impressed by this feat, but quickly calmed down when she requested to keep this ability on the hush-hush. They started moving again and Jiang went back to his original thoughts. Taking a deep breath, he began to speak on his opinions about taking a life.[/i] [color=royalblue]"I'm going to be honest with you guys, from my experience, killing someone boils down to so many different factors and variables. You all are going to have to ask yourself these questions as our quest continues and accept the fact now that we will more than likely see death. One: The most important question to ask yourself is "Will I or an ally die if I don't kill them?" If the answer is yes then we should always go for the throat. We should always choose us over them. Two: Have we been ordered to kill by an authority that we acknowledge and answer to? If so then you have to discard all of your personal feelings and carry out your task. Three: They are at my mercy, would they show me any if it were the other way around? The answer to that one doesn't always directly affect your decision. Just because they are not as merciful as you does not mean that they deserve to die so long as you believe that they will change or never pursue you. Four: This is the most important question you need to ask yourself so pay attention if you've tuned me out already! What changes if I kill this person. This is doubly important while we are traveling as the voice and will of Lord Tenzin Shima. Anyone we kill is in his name and ultimately the blood is on his hands. Anyone that we spare is in his name. If we punch a merchant in the face, then it's in his name. We are his judgment in physical form while we are traveling. If we kill someone of another clan then that can be seen as an act of war or transgression. If you spare a bandit then that bandit may kill a child or daimyo later. If you kill someone, they may be linked to a powerful official and word will travel and make us their enemy. If you spare someone from a rival clan or even a neutral clan then our relations with them may improve...well except for the Ina Clan, screw those savages."[/color] [i]There were more points and questions that should be asked, but he covered the major ones and hoped that the team would look past his extravagant and eccentric personality, and really absorb what he had to say on the subject.[/i][/center]