[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WmydV1G.jpg?1[/img] [hr][i]"From the Stomping Isles ere do I come."[/i][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Olerus of Fontguard [b]Race:[/b] Centaur [b]Appearance:[/b] Olerus stands at the tall height of 7'1". His horseback is at about 3'7", and he is about 5'6" long. He weighs around 620 pounds, which is below average for the Centaurs. [b]Equipment:[/b] Olerus has his Elderwurm Bow, which is covered in leather strips. He has a quiver made from a thick leather. The quiver is always filled with arrows, which Olerus has to make for himself. The arrows are much heavier than standard arrows. He also carries a bag with him. The bag is filled with various vials, each vial has a coloured powder in it. [b]Abilities:[/b] Heavy Bow Archery [i]Olerus' archery is much more terrifying than the standard. Olerus uses a heavy bow with heavy arrows at a close range. Due to his strength, the technique works exceptionally well.[/i] Mana Font Caretaker [i]Olerus can create and tend to Mana Fonts, a source of magic for the Centaurs. Not that it's useful, or anything. No Centaur is able to use it anymore.[/i] Horse [i]People can ride Olerus.[/i] [b]Curse Effects:[/b] Centaurs, due to their low level magic, have lost all of their innate magic abilities. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Enchanter's Guild [b]Personality:[/b] Olerus is a fierce warrior, willing to fight to the very end. He's not extremely intelligent, but he gets by. He trains and trains. Whenever he doesn't have to do something for the guild, he works on his archery. He mourns the loss of the Centaur's queen and his tribe's Matriarch often. Besides being a rough fighter, out of combat, he is quite wordy and meek. This split is caused by his aggressive Centaur nature, and his responsibilities as a caretaker for the mana fonts.[/center]