Jäger watched a particularly mean looking bunch of one-stars berate a group of no-stars for being late, a vicious act considering they were only going to be late because of the one-stars harassment. Normally Jäger would intervene when such nonsense was going on right under her nose, however she was keenly aware of the current power difference between herself and even a lone one-star student, never mind a group of them. Even as a team Jäger and the others would most likely come off far worse in any such one sided encounter. So even though it was against her nature she turned a blind eye and carried on her way to the school entrance. She would remember their faces however, just in case. [b][colour=mediumslateblue]"Hey guys!"[/colour][/b] Kageta suddenly called from out of nowhere, causing Jäger to jump in fright, so intently had she been concentrating on the one-stars. Before her brain could intercede she had already spun around to attack, however rather than her bow she used the bows case instead, swinging it around with surprising force. Any poor soul who connected with the carry case was going to have a bad time. [b][colour=gold]“Kageta!? What the hell are you doing, sneaking up on me like that? Jeez! Time next I’ll turn you into a pincushion!”[/colour] [/b]Jäger said, blushing slightly from the outburst. With a huff she turned around and headed into the school grounds with a look of annoyance that made the majority of the no-stars present jump out of her way. If the exterior was awe-inspiring then the interior was even more so, a huge cavernous courtyard surround by high defensive walls. The place was more like a fortress than a school. It made her feel ever so small as she took a moment, simply standing in awe as she looked around the huge open space with wide eyed wonder. It was all so…excessive. A few no-stars bumped into her, dragging her back down to reality. It was only then that she noticed the man stood in front of her. Or boy? His height suggest one thing but his face another. He was wearing a plain one-star uniform that seemed slightly too large for him. His gaze was intense and made her back off slightly, his deep golden eyes boring into her like one of her arrows. However his expression was surprising friendly considering. He grinned at her with a deep rooted confidence. [b][colour=silver]“Impressive huh? Yeah, I remember that look. It was plastered all across my face the first time I saw this place as well. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it,”[/colour][/b] he said as he raised a notepad and started to flick through it. On each page was a picture and a small data sheet. [b][colour=silver]“Name?”[/colour] [/b]he said without looking away from the pages. Jäger answered polite, causing him to flick forward a few dozen pages. [b][colour=silver]“Stand over there,”[/colour][/b] he said, pointing to one end of the open courtyard where a group of cowed looking no-stars had already started to gather, marshalled by a tense looking group of one-star students. Before she could even think of asking his name the force of the crowd pushed her onward. Worse still she seemed to have lost sight of the others in the sea of humanity. Feeling suddenly exposed Jäger forced her way to where she had been directed, the crowd thinning out as she got closer. That worried her slightly. It was as though she and these others were being singled out. But why? Was this how new students were introduced to the establishment? If the intent was to intimidate she would readily admit that it was working. Another one-star, far more annoyed and tense looking than the man with the board saw her heading in his direction and guessed rightly that she had been told to head over this way. He made his way toward her and grabbed her roughly by the arm. [b]“Go on! Get in line! Quickly!”[/b] he said as he pushed her toward the other no-star students. She offered no resistance. Firstly because it would draw unwanted attention to herself. Secondly, because as much as she was ashamed to admit it she was suitably intimidated.