[hider=Appearance and Armor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/d3/ed/22/d3ed222828292a5dea78a30382d0e50e.jpg[/img] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2ynfqHFoFnfLBWS3PXd_oG6AgnPoUPQhwizXcqbaBFO_ZlzBHaA[/img] [/hider] Name: Calette Rozen Age: 18 Gender: Female Weapon specialty: As cliche as it sounds, she specializes in making swords. Calette, herself prefers using twin blades. Personality: Calette is gentle and greatly appreciates nature. The forests were her source of food and water when her family was starving and thirsty. She is very hardworking despite her frail appearance. However, she is not very good at socializing with others and her social skills are barely enough to talk to clients. This doesn't mean she doesn't like talking to people but she supposes she likes the company of animals more. Bio: (Does your character come from Degar or were they born somewhere else? What is their family like? etc..) Calette came from a poor family that struggled to survive. She always worked hard as the eldest child of 3 to support her family but one day, plague struck her village, killing her youngest sister and her mother. Her father and brother who are still alive, have went off to search for a better life and encouraged Calette to pursue her passions as she was an adult now and assured her that they would be fine. She has always loved swords so she came to Degar to learn how to forge them and become a master in the art. She promised them that she would visit at least twice a year, which she still keeps to this day. She is now an apprentice to a blacksmith who is strict but she is able to see him as a fatherly figure.