The answers were what Takumi had expected so far, with those who haven't out numbering the two who had and one of those two hadn't killed in a very long time. He didn't have much to say about that, just taking a mental note of it. More stunning was what happened with Metou, the old woman suddenly pulled an eye out and used it to change into her younger form. A very fascinating ability, shape shifting of any kind was very rare and given how valuable it was he understood completely why she wanted them to keep quiet about it. If people knew it would just make her a big target, and that kind of stress isn't something anyone would want even if they were still young. So in respect of that wish he stayed silent and continued moving, their shortcut up ahead which he was sure would make Yuudai happy. [color=00a99d]"It won't be too long, so you can wait until we arrive to worry about food. Our path through the forest is just up ahead, which will take us right there."[/color] He said in a relaxed tone, before stopping as one of the crows came back and landed on his shoulder. After a second he stopped the group of Rontu from moving, and signaled the group to stop as well. He looked at the crow with an unsure gaze, but when the crow simply nodded he turned his attention to the group. [color=00a99d]"This crow tells me we won't be alone on the path. It isn't wildmen either, or even the standard bandits. A group of men in unusual clothing appear to be waiting there, along with a young woman who signaled the crow to hurry up. I could be mistaken, but it seems they are waiting on you guys to get there. Unless there were allies I wasn't aware of, I'd be careful about your next move, as at least one of them is armed. Because it looks to me that an enemy cut you off. If they are connected to whoever you are after, it could also mean that going the long way around will only ensure that they get away."[/color] It wasn't his place to tell them what to do, so he simply informed them and would keep going if it was what they wanted. He had a bad feeling that this would end up in a fight and one that may not favor them given what they had said about their experience earlier. If it was a fight he hoped that the group told him to wait and went ahead, not wanting to be forced to be involved in their conflict in any direct manner. It was a little cowardly but he barely knew the people and didn't have any loyalty to Shima or to their cause so would rather stay alive and unharmed if at all possible.