The girl next to Disney was apparently named Jessica Albatross because he caught a glimpse of her suit case as she left his side. Where she came from and why she was here she didn't say but she left Aaron's side However it seemed she held a bleak outlook in life. How heart warming...well then she'd better get use to have him in charge because by the end of the year he intended to be a three star if not at least a two which meant that he was going to out-rank her sorry pessimistic butt. "So Kegata's back from whatever he went? Whatever..." Aaron mumbled to himself as he entered the building where it was clear from that moment how big this school really was. The hallway was massive as if it was in the middle of a small mall. Well made stair cases covered in dirt were to the left and the right and the middle with two doors branching left and right. Two doors in the middle meaning the doors he just came in from where for entrance use and the other two doors must've been for other rooms in the school. Some of the rooms may even be in the mountain. Who knew what this school held but before he knew what was going on a brown haired man in a suit walked up to him, "Are you lost? The boards are over in the corner if you don't know your room placement. The rooms are placed in order from left to right. Simply find what grade you're in and get to class. Before that though you should drop off your lugg-SASAKI GET TO CLASS YOU IGNORANT BUM!" the man suddenly roared as he noticed the squirrelly looking kid from earlier panicking as he suddenly had the eyes of one of the teachers walk up to him. "SORRY SIR SORRY! I'LL JUST GET MOVING GOTTA GET TO CLASS OR THE SCIENCE CLUB WILL MAKE ME GREEN AGAIN! I MEAN BEING GREEN IS WEIRD ON A NORMAL DAY BUT THEN IT INTERFERES WITH GOING TO SLEEP WHEN I'M GLOWING LIKE A LAMP. Come to think of it when was the last time I got a good night sleep...BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! WHEN I HAVE TROUBLE SLEEPING I CAN'T DO WORK! I MEAN I GOT NO PROBLEM WITH HELPING OUT WITH SCIENCE BUT-" the boy shouted in a panic making various strange spasms with his hands and feet as he was suddenly kicked up the stairs by a certainly different looking man. Must've been a two star since the man had red lining inside of his jacket and two stars were boldly hanging from the left and right side of the jacket. "I'll deal with you later Sasaki now get moving!" growled the two star in disgust as the kid ran back upstairs tumbling over himself. "