[quote=@Burthstone] Alright, question time![list][*]Can the effects of Magic Warp plausibly cause an increase in a persons talent for magick?[*]Can a person learn to be talented with many affinities of magick? (But not master any)[*]How does one recover mana, is it naturally over time or does one need to ingest something?[*]Do certain magicks negate each other if used together?[*]Is there a limit to how magick can be used besides ones mana "pool"?[*]What are the differences between Standard, Elevated, and Advanced affinities?[*]Can one's mana "pool" grow, or is it only ever one size?[*]Can Perili show resemblances to any type of animal?[*]What ways are there off Spinel?[*]Is there a particular language spells have to be cast in?[*]How many different affinities can be in one spell?[*]How many spells can a person know?[/list] I'm probably going to come up with a few more, but that's a starting point of things I'd like to know. [/quote] 1. Not talent, but power. Just like raw magic, it would be pure force without finesse or subtlety. 2. Yes, but the more you have, the weaker each one is. 3. Mana recovery happens naturally. and is aided by both rest and eating good meals. 4. Maybe? I imagine you'd be thinking ice and fire, but a blue flame that freezes would be a good solution. Look for creative ways to mesh them together before negating. 5. Conduits do not tap into their wielders' mana pool, at the cost of flexibility. Raw magic doesn't drain mana, but it is very tricky to use without causing damage to oneself and accumulation of Magic Warp. Charms do not interact with a user's mana. 6. Elevated affinities are rarer than Standard affinities, tougher to work with, and harder to become proficient in multiple of. Advanced ones take this a step further. That said, those with natural inclinations toward certain affinities will get them easier anyway. 7. The mana pool is like a muscle. It grows slowly over time, with continued use. 8. Yes, from sloth to coelacanth to scorpion, though with varying viability and prevalence among the parili population. 9. Boat, teleporation, flight, anything really, people unaffiliated with Spinel are just not likely to be docking there for convenient departure however. 10. Nope, but spells created in a language and translated into a different one are always more potent in their original language. 11. Two affinities per spell. 12. Loads. Technically the only limit is practicality, gathering the resources to make them, taking the time to learn them, and remembering them all. By the way, a property of spells is a seeming ability to become more efficient the longer they've been around and the more they've been used. learning a spell that's used by hundreds of other mages makes for an easier time, while original spells may take a while to 'catch on'. [@Guess Who] he looks good to me. Thanks, Harine!