[h3]June and Kagerou[/h3]Seeing as the boy was walking off June raised a hand to her ear. It could be surmised that she was getting a message from her comm. Afterward she turned her attention to the tents. There was someone she wanted to meet. Walking over to Kagerou she gave her a brief salute. "[color=green]Commander Rotosu, it's an honor to meet you.[/color]" This one was still green aparently. No one ever called the woman by that any longer. Fury must have briefed June personally because her part in the early days of the organization was classified. "[color=plum]I'm not part of SHIELD anymore child. Kagerou will be fine.[/color]" Not beating around the bush she looked her in the eyes. "[color=plum]What does Fury want?[/color]" There was no emotion in her words. She hated when Fury sent someone after her. It shouldn't be a surprise given the circumstances, but it was still frustrating since they agreed not to share that information. June held her breath as Kagerou spoke. Apparently this woman was immortal or something like that. Fury didn't age much as she understood but the one before her survived everything without changing a day. "[color=green]The students need a place to go. Everyone that's left can't just go home because they could still be targets. SHEILD can provide a facility until you get on your feet.[/color]" Of course, this was probably the best option available to them. "[color=plum]I'll need to talk to the others and see if they agree. But I don't think we have many choices.[/color]" [h3]Estella[/h3]Unsure of what to do the alien girl just sat silently. Drawing attention to herself might set Makoto off again. At some point she would need to explain the situation with her and Storm with the others. Even she herself wasn't sure how this dynamic was going to work exactly. Last time something similar happened like this the two sets of memories got mixed. But Ororo still had full consciousness which was drastically different.