Deus sighed at Meruin's unsightly appearance but was relieved when Elza put "clothes" on her. Deus looked at the transmutation circle in his hand, thinking about the Philosophers Stone. He was interested in it extremly. He waved good bye to every body and began to walk outside towards the Track and Field. Deus touched the grass remembering the Fight between him, Marcus and Tony. He knew that those two were getting stronger, he also needed to get stronger. At the rate Deus was going he was about to hit a wall. [color=blue]"Memories....Well time to get to work.."[/color] Deus' transmutation circle began to glow. [color=blue]"Ha....Golem Creation: Earth Golem!"[/color] Suddenly, a Giant Golem began to grow out of the ground. This Golem began to grow taller than the school. [color=blue]"Come On, Come On! Just a little bit more!"[/color] As the Golem increased in Size, Deus began to get weary and once he reached his limit, The Golem was destroyed making the huge chunks of Earth hit the ground, making a loud thud. [color=blue]"Dammitt!!! I still don't have enough power."[/color] Deus layed down on the tattered ground. [i]Come on Dad, can't you show me what I'm doing wrong?[/i]