As Tetsuya went back towards Ru he would suddenly hear a lot of commotion, as a large group of Naji soldiers marched into the village, the Naji emblem shown proud from the banners some carried. They weren't the random foot soldiers, each had more ornate weaponry and armor signaling they were guards for the self proclaimed Shogun and his family. Men in the center of the large group were a dozen or so men carrying a massive and very ornate norimono, made of the finest woods and silk, curtains covering the passenger from the elements as well as from the gaze of commoners. The soldiers had formed a barrier around the litter, no one even being able to get close enough to see the men carrying it, let alone actually touch the human powered transport. As one would expect they drew quite the crowd, many of the village guard were the first to approach them unsure if this was some sign of aggression or just an overly dramatic visit. Whenever Naji himself visited to try to get them to join him, he came more low key so all of Ru was very confused by this display of wealth and power. Once they reached the guards, the soldiers parted and revealed a 9 tailed Kitsune woman with dark hair standing in front of the norimono. When she walked forward every soldier bowed, and remained that way until she was past them all. [color=fff200]"Traveling with us is the future Empress of this land, the 7th Princess, Eri Naji. She seeks an audience with Lady Ru on behalf of her father as well as to discuss current events within the region. Most of our soldiers will stay behind and I assure you they will cause no trouble. I will only require a small number to come with us. If needed we will hand over our weapons, and you can escort us to where Lady Ru is residing."[/color] The Kitsune spoke with a powerful tone that demanded respect, while still managing to not be aggressive via her word choice. The guards were practically awestruck by seeing a Kitsune of such power visiting their village of all places, once they snapped out of it they agreed. Naji was annoying but they were never hostile to them, and allowing them to meet with their leader once again ensured further visits were peace and not war. After some of the soldiers handed over their weapons they began to follow the guards, several men still carrying the concealed princess on their shoulders. Many Ru commoners stared at the elegant design of the transport, with several younger ones thinking it was cool that someone with such a fancy title was in their home with the adults more wondering why Naji himself didn't come and if this meant a change in policy. [img][/img]