Excitement grew in Jinshi's bowels as he peered at his surroundings in the prep room, although the contestant count was only 12 the stances and warm up techniques he observed some from some of them both surprised and amazed him. Jinshi's short bout of journeys leading to this place were quite clam and frankly boring, the Makyan felt a new burst of eagerness and excitement at the very prospect of battling some of those who graced his view now. To his right he spotted a giant of a man with a round stomach lifting weights bigger than some small adults, another contestant a women to his left struck the air with an unusual and swift technique Jinshi had never seen the likes of before. Hearing a small crowd of cheers, Jinshi followed the source to a stone fighting ring, it's smooth grey surface complimented by the various ornament statues that decorated the facility hosting this small tournament. Finding a comfortable view point, Jinshi watched as the first fight went under way, as the crowd cheered Jinshi analysed every movement and technique used to the best of his ability hoping to see what he could learn. Although the match went for some time, it seemed clear to Jinshi who'd be the winner, the unusual looking person announced as Vanina not only had the advantage of an extra set of arms, it was clear she was trained in a unique technique to use them too! As the fight rolled on Jinshi only became more and more excited, he hoped his opponent is a strong one but most of all, he hoped to learn something that'd make him stronger, win or lose! When the match came to an end the pale orange skinned Makyan cheered with the crowd from his position on the tall wall separating the preparation area for the fighters and the ring. Growing up Jinshi always loved watching the tournaments on T.V. but regardless of the fact that this wasn't near as big as the annual tournament, watching the event in person was an experience on a different level!