"What are you doing Miss? Aren't you supposed to be going to class..." said one particularly handsome gentleman with long flowing blonde hair and blue eyes. Something about his presence nearby made the other students hurry up and move. He wore a long white coat with a tie and a blue shirt underneath that matched his eyes. He was slim but fit and he carried himself with a clear authority. His tone indicated a sense of professionalism that matched his clear voice. He looked at her hammer and frowned but said nothing about it. "Just make sure you keep that weapon away from other students unless they wrong you. Or unless you can back people up. Things such as [i]that[/i] carry a lot of wham power behind it." The man said as he walked away without another word. He strode up the steps as confident as anyone else. An announcement came out of the loud speakers and a feminine voice rang throughout the halls, "Attention all students and faculty find your class rooms and report to your home room teachers. Leave your baggage designated rooms or spots. Theft of any and all clothes and other personal effects will result in immediate punishment and stars will be taken away. This is an orderly school, a proper school, a strong school. We will not allow personal theft on campus however it is up to you students to protect yourselves out of school. This is student council member and resident Three Star Mami Ikari, President of Announcements and Public Information and Head of the Digital Media Club signing off have a good school day peons." the woman's voice stated with flat plainness. Seeing someone he clearly shouldn't be messing with conversing with Eika, Aaron decided he should go look at his assigned room quickly and since he was A and or D it was rather easy to pick among the names of Japanese students there. He was in year two Class 3-A. No-Star Class which meant first floor out of twenty. The first five floors were there for no stars. The one stars got another five with better equipment. Two stars got three floors as there were few of them and undoubtedly had better everything in them. The rest of the floors were filled with other stuff such as storage, club rooms, and of course the three star's own area where Nero Kiryuin was most assuredly at right now or at his own floor at the very top of the tower. His home room teacher was Mr. Chang Song...Chinese name meant that he was foreign and was brought here by the Kiryuins themselves. Fun for the whole family...Aaron took his first steps onto the steps...and was abruptly pushed into a wall by incoming American Football team. Strange that a Japanese school would have that but hey...whatever. Brushing himself off he went upstairs into a long plain and boring hall way that looked very old fashioned meaning no new technology. They'd get the bottom of the barrel stuff. Wonderful. Entering into his room he found the majority of his class was already there preparing for their little meeting. Their teacher was a big man with a scruffy looking beard and a mean set of eyes hidden under glasses. But he knew a tough guy when he saw him and Mr. Chang was certainly that. He had tanned skin and black hair with a hard jaw. He wore normal teacher's outfit which betrayed his muscles. "You're probably that international student I was told I'd get huh? Take a seat kid." grumbled Chang as Aaron nodded and headed to his seat.