The announcer, awaking from his daze and tiredness, having watched and narrated the intense right, continued on with his work. "That was one beast of a lady folks! And trust me I know beasts, meet my in law!" he shouted into the mic. Hearing the sound of what seemed like a jet or something dashing around the arena, he put it off as just that, a jet. "Alright! Next up!" shouted the announced stopping and looking down at his notes... "Er.. Seji! Versus! Kaptain Kaaaage!" the announcer shouted quite loudly, Hearing the last name. He seemed almost famous, though he'd never heard of any person. Regardless, the fight was about to begin! Meanwhile, half of a kilometer from the arena, Dreyar had just finished doing quick sweeps around the around the arena, from the sky, before landing beside Mel and Manetta. "There's this weird chick with four arms, but everybody else looks normal I guess. I mean besides this one makyo I think I saw. The announce-" he would've continued speaking, had Mel not cut in with a loud "Shut it kid." then turning to Manetta. "Easy right? In and out grab the cash and whatnot?" she said, awaiting a response. The blue Namekian sat still, his eyes closed, as he felt up the people of the arenas powers. "Hem... It should be easy, perhaps slight amounts of retaliation.." Manetta said, beginning to walk to the edge of the arena, keeping from boosting his power at all, as it could possibly spook somebody within the arena. "Yeah! Bustin heads! Gettin cash! This w-" once again, the boy was cut off by Mel, who was in the middle of wrapping her hand in cloth and chords. "Can you just shut the hell up for two seconds?" quite aggrevated by Dreyar's constant talking. "Fine.." he said.