[img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs48/PRE/f/2009/159/7/b/launch_preparations_by_Pericolos0.jpg[/img] [b][i]"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."[/i][/b] -Elanor Roosevelt To those of you who know my style, what I'm saying here should be no surprise. This is a Sci-Fi NRP where there is no preset plot. No Evil Empire to defeat, no "Chosen One", and no precursors that seeded all civilizations. This roleplay is made up of player-made nations populated by player-made species in the Milky Way. Each nation has its own goals, as do its people, all freely decided by the people who made them. This is a sci-fi NRP sandbox. Now, there are a few restrictions. Because if there weren't, then some prick would inevitably make a giant intergalactic empire and immediately declare war on everyone else. By "restrictions" I really mean "restriction". That restriction is that your civilization is young. Perhaps you have only colonized your home system, perhaps you hold domain over a few planets in your immediate interstellar neighborhood, or maybe you've just now seen the first footprints on your planet's moon. Whatever the case, you are most certainly not an expansive Empire. Apps will follow the standard Stardust style, as shown below: Name of nation: Species: Description of government: Description of military: Technological Overview: Cultural Overview: History: Other: As seen in the tags, this will be an advanced roleplay. Everyone must conform to the advanced standards as seen in their description on the homepage. This shouldn't be too much of a problem, since they call for at least 2 paragraphs, something which 99% of the NRP section already exceeds. Other rules are as follows: -Blah blah blah no godmodding you know the drill by now. -Please no arguments in the OOC, take them to a PM. The OOC doesn't like them, you know. Very sensitive. -Again: Your nations are young. Nobody controls a zillion planets. -Keep ridiculousness levels below "Desk Worshippers". You know, unless you happen to have a realistic explanation. Which you don't. -Electronic warfare is complicated. If you're trying to hack a non-binary computer with your binary one, you're gonna have a bad time. At bare minimum, follow that rule. -I highly encourage politics to be more than "I want gold you have gold war now". Have some fun. Diplomats living in embassies coping with alien customs, long and formal meetings, spies and intrigue, etc. It's more fun for all of us that way, especially the guy with the gold. -Emotional breakdowns make the OOC cry. Don't make the OOC cry, I'm not good at comforting things. We have a chatzy! [url]http://us23.chatzy.com/31351345011381[/url]