[hider=Visual][center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/203/5/4/nautilus_lol_wallpaper_by_77silentcrow-d7rromi.png[/img][/center][/hider] Name: Nautilus(???) Age: 28(???) Gender: Male Role on the ship: Fighter Weapon: Anchor, fists, and whatever he can throw Devil fruit: Unknown name however it is a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit. The fruit allows Nautilus to grow physically larger, making him stronger, more durable, and heavy, but at the cost of speed. This ability caps at 40 feet at which point Nautilus will be unable to move what so ever and he will weigh at the very least a dozen tons, most likely more. Appearance: Not even the man himself remembers what he looks like "under the hood". Nautilus is massive, reaching ten feet tall and as wide as three men. When his Devil Fruit ability activates the suit he is stuck in glows with an inner power. His great size has caused him to be a little clumsy at times but on the fields of battle he has his own kind of grace, nothing refined but smooth and with purpose. Personality: Nautilus has an easy personality. He never speaks more than he has to and when he does it is short and to the point. When he has nothing to worry about Nautilus like to sit around and sleep since pleasures like eating good food or feeling the wind on your skin are no longer possible. Sometimes, Nautilus will fall into melancholy moods where he will be quieter than usual and hide somewhere quiet...not an easy feat really given present company and his size. Finally when it comes to battle, Nautilus faces all opponents with blank face determination and the ferocity of an ocean storm. Background: Nautilus has always been a... adventurous sort. As a child he would run about and find new things around his town. Rocks, leaves, insects, a cat, and many more. Eventually this curiosity for the unknown left him in the employ of a doctor whose name he cannot remember, as if it has been scrubbed from his mind. The doctor was not the nicest of men however he was no villain, more amoral than anything. Nautilus and the doctor took part in many experiments, most were mundane things like combine these chemicals together or what happens if we put this and that together. However there were many more...exciting experiments going on. It was during on of this more exciting experiments where Nautilus was locked inside his suit. It was simple in theory, the suit was meant to allow people to travel along the ocean floor with some added physical improvements. For all intents and purposes the experiment was a success, minus for the fact that it was now locked with no way of opening. Life changed for Nautilus after that, not immediately but change it did. He began to forget things more easily, small things at first, but eventually he could hardly remember his name. Then came the fruit. How it happened he does not know, all that he does is that the lab was destroyed and he was at the center of it. After that Nautilus chose his name and began to travel. Hiring himself out to whoever would take the giant. Surprisingly he found himself a capable warrior and began to carve a name for himself as reliable muscle. Nautilus came to be hired by Simona's crew due to an...altercation between his employer and Simona's crew. The captain seemed like a good man, along with the other crewmembers, and he paid well. His only condition was to not look in the cargo hold. Being just a hire on, Nautilus never questioned it until Simon's ship attacked. The "good" captain was a slave trader and, when Nautilus found out, flew into a rage. Destroying most of the ship in the process. Luckily Simona and her crew had saved the slaves before the whole thing went under. Nautilus had turned himself in to Simona but eventually he was allowed to join the crew due to his rejection of the captain and general kindheartedness.