[b]Name[/b]: Sennafing [b]Race[/b]: Dragon [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/136/c/4/dragon_concept_2_by_el_grimlock-d4zzkl8.jpg[/img] [/hider] A 24 year old dragon with a svelte and light build. Her diminsions are shoulder height of 3 ft, body length of 6 ft, and tail length of 4 ft. She has 4 inch long front claws (larger than depicted). [b]Equipment[/b]: Neck pouch for Senna to store miscellaneous objects in. Usually contains some money and a couple of healing potions. [b]Abilities (Physical)[/b]: Fast and agile. Strong forearms with hard claws that are useful for digging and goring. Decent swimmer. Small or light races/people can ride on her. Instead of a breath, she has powerful spit glands that can shoot a sticky liquid to slow and impede enemies. [b]Abilities (Magical)[/b]: A small compass spell, where Senna can set a location as her origin, and be able to tell the direction to get back to it. Maybe she can have 2 or 3 locations remembered that she can switch out as needed. [b]Affiliation[/b]: United Alliance [b]Personality[/b]: Sennafing has an eager and curious demeanor. Being a city-raised dragon, part of her reason for joining the Alliance was so she can go out and explore the wilderness. Usually cheerful, but with confrontation, she will either be sad/depressed or pouty. Randomly, Senna can get very lazy moods, and just laze around almost to the point of insubordination. While she almost has no angry bone in her body, she realizes the danger the undead are to her and to civilization and fights with necessary aggression, alternating between hit-n-run tactics and full on lunging rapid-swipes (think Berserker Barrage X). Senna has average intelligence and low bloodlust, so when fights are not in her favor, she will try to think up alternate solutions. Has a fondness/fixation for birds and bird songs.