Name: Anu'din Race: Majin - A race of magical machines that have sentient thought and emotions. Age: 135 years old Appearance: A cursory glance shows that Anu'din is a machine, though he bears a heavy resemblance to a well built human male. He is 7 feet tall, and brass mixed with an unknown alloy covers most of his body in the form of heavy armor plating. The few places where the armor doesn't cover to allow mobility, one can see servos, gears, pistons, and other minutiae powering Anu'din. The machinery underneath is a dark grey. His left arm has a condensed shield attached to it that can unlock and form into a shield that can cover half of Anu'din's body. His right arm is blocky, seeming to be able to transform. He carries a sword on his hip. His face is a golden brass replica of a man's face, though when he speaks the mouth does not move. His eyes glow, almost seeming to burn, a bright yellow. A few dents riddle his body, evidence of battles prior. Equipment: A highly enhanced, extremely durable sword and shield - though with no innate abilities of their own, except for the shield to collapse for travel. Anu'din's right arm transforms into a high pressure cannon of sorts, that can transform scrap metal into either small bolts or, given time, molten metal. Wears gloves that glow a slight blue, that can mitigate most non-magical forms of attack. Abilities (Physical / Magical): No magical abilities to speak of. Can fire bolts of metal from his arm, or molten metal if given time. Very knowledgeable about sword fighting, fencing, brawling, and grappling his foes. If given the opportunity, Anu'din likes to wrest an enemy's mundane weapon out of their hands, his enchanted gloves protecting him from most of the harm of doing so. Can compress his machinery, shrinking in size to about five and a half feet. Loses a great deal of mobility in doing so, but becomes nearly impossible to move, knock over, or generally strike down. Very lithe for his size, and very, very durable. Curse Effects: Majin are normally able to regenerate their bodies by consuming metal and resting. Following the curse, their innate magic has been taken, and they can no longer regenerate as they once did. Though extremely durable, and capable of functioning with minimal rest and metal, the Majin cannot live forever. One day, they will take too much damage in battle and simply fall apart. Affiliation: The Arcane Eye. Anu'din wishes nothing more than for his race to survive, as rare as they are. He helps the Arcane Eye, serving as a guard, a high risk laborer, and mathematician/logician. Personality: An amiable fellow, but not one to express much emotion or trivial thoughts. He often speaks his mind in a clear, concise manner, and rationality is simply a part of who he is. Loyal to those he follows, his allies, and the few he can call friend.