Tetsuya had no real idea how to move along with his search, only that he knew he had to. It stood to reason that someone in Ru had the information he was seeking, but actually coming across that person was going to be difficult. Stolen relics were hardly the things of common trade so anyone that had knowledge of it was probably less than reputable, and therefore most people wouldn't know of them. Its times like this he wouldn't mind having someone a little more... Knowledgeable of how the underground world worked, then perhaps he'd not be chasing ghosts. If he kept at it he was bound to stumble across something, but who knows how long that might take? When being quick about it was fair important he couldn't quite afford to wander about hoping to strike it lucky. In the not too far distance the young Neko began to pick up an awful lot of voices, and if he wasn't mistaken the clatter of steel against stone as well. Marching troops? It sounded rhythmic so that made sense, but why were there troops moving? Was it Ru's own or was it something else? He had no personal claim in the matter but he was curious, enough so that he began to follow the sounds to try and see what it was. The swathes of people gathered along a main road was show enough of where the spectacle was, and Tetsuya had to pick his way through the crowds in order to get eyes on just what was happening. He'd expected perhaps one of the local nobility was passing through, or if he were so fortunate perhaps Lady Ru herself. What he found on the other sides of the crowd, however, was far from pleasing. [color=39b54a]"Naji...?"[/color] Tetsuya whispered, frowning as he glanced over at the norimono. What was someone like her doing all the way out here? It was a bit odd that such an important person would show up like this, though he could hardly claim to know what went on between rulers. When the soldiers parted and the kitsune woman began to speak he couldn't help but feel a little war of what was happening. Just by nature he had to be cautious of strangers, it was basically required by his position as a guard to do so. While he may have no personal stake in Ru he did need these people's aid, and anything that might inhibit his search would be a problem. It would hardly work for him to ask them to leave, he wasn't nearly thick enough to even consider such a thing. But maybe their being here wasn't all bad, maybe he could work it to his advantage. If the future Empress was seeking an audience with Lady Ru, and indeed she was, she was all but guaranteed to get it. Should Tetsuya be able to join the convoy then he'd surely reach the palace, and perhaps even be permitted an audience as well. Unless he had some serious claim himself to enter the palace grounds he didn't think it likely he'd see the Lady himself; Shima's badge may hold some weight, but with brigands and bandits roaming one could never be completely certain someone was who they said they were. Tetsuya decided then if he was to get in touch with Lady Ru then this was his best chance. Seeing no other option he broke rank in the crowd, stepping out to the road to confront the kitsune woman. Naturally the guards and soldiers around the area immediately went to their weapons, to which he only responded by putting his hands up defensively, trying to show he meant no harm. [color=39b54a]"Relax, I'm not here to cause trouble, I only wish to make a request,"[/color] Tetsuya explained, trying to sound far more authoritative than his youthful voice might allow. Relieved when the guards looked to ease up a bit he looked at the kitsune woman, smiling faintly before making a polite bow in her direction. [color=39b54a]"I'm seeking an audience with Lady Ru as well, on behalf of Lord Shima. If it's not too much trouble I'd like to join you and your Lady in visiting her."[/color] He didn't want to admit he was utterly lost and needed directions, there was a little bit of pride to be had after all.